David Mertz
Peter Mertz
Peter Martz, Jr.
Simon Martz
Charles M. Martz
James V. Martz
Frederick Braun
Isaac Bubb
Adam Elliot
Decade Finder
Simon Martz is believed to be the son of Jonathan
and Catherine Martz born on December 9, 1805 in
Augusta Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania
near Sunbury. The multi-talented Simon was a distiller
of spirits, as was his father, then he was "employed in
navigation of canals, lakes, rivers" (1840), a
restaurant or oyster saloon owner and baker, and a
carpenter. Despite all of his talents, however he
died in poverty on August 27, 1888 at the age of 82
years, 8 months, and 18 days while living in the Sunbury
poorhouse, and was apparently buried in the potter's
field of the old Sunbury cemetery.
In about 1837 he married Mary Ann [Showers?]
(ca.1815 - 1880) and together they had the following
Mercy Martz (ca. 1838 - after 1880),
married Frederick Hammer
Harrison Martz (ca. 1839 - 1845)
Martz (1844 - 1917)
Agnes (Gideanna) Martz (1848 - 1909), married William
Josiah Martz (ca 1853 - 1913)
Catharine Martz (ca. 1858 - after 1870)
December 9, 1805
Martz is
born probably to
Jonathan and
Catherine Martz in
Augusta Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania
near Sunbury.
-Northumberland County
Democrat, 8/31/1888
-Census, Sunbury, 1860, 1870,
-Northumberland County
Tax Book,
Augusta Township, 1810
(Note: Simon's birth date is calculated from his
death notice in the Northumberland County Democrat.
See August 27, 1888, below. Later census
records give conflicting and erroneous estimates of
his age. The 1850 census gives Simon's age as 47
suggesting he was born in 1803, however the three
subsequent census records suggest he was born in 1806
or 1807. -rjm)
During 1810
Jonathan Martz
1 male [Jonathan], 26 to 44 [born 1765 to 1784],
1 female [Catherine], 26 to 44 [born 1765 to
1 male [Simon?], under 10 [born 1800 to 1810]
5 females [Barbara and 4 others] under 10 [born
1800 to 1810]
Jonathan Martz, distiller, has
2 1 cattle, and is taxed: personal $.06
$.03, occupation $.25
-Census, Augusta Township,
Northumberland County, 1810
County Tax Book, Augusta Township, 1810
Circa 1815
Ann (Showers?),
Simon's future wife, is
-Census, Sunbury, 1850,
1860, 1870, 1880
-Census, Northumberland,
1820, 1830
(Note: Mary Ann's
family name is problematic.
Simon and
Mary Ann were probably married in ca. 1837 in
either Northumberland Boro (Point Township) where
he had grown up or in Augusta Township where he
had been most recently taxed when their first
child, Mercy Martz, was born. The
only known source is the name written on the death
certificate of their son, Vandine
Martz (shown below). Since it is a
single source, it fails the
Criterion of
Independent Attestation.
(Extant death certificates for
Simon's other children, Agnes
(Zinn) and Josiah Martz
state that their mother's maiden name is
"unknown.") The favored interpretation among
researchers of this one source has been "Showers",
although the initial "S" is not clear and doesn't
match well the other occurrances of "S" written in
the same hand on the certificate. Although the
name "Showers" is found in other areas of
Pennsylvania it is not found in the censuses of
Augusta or Point townships, or in the boroughs of
Sunbury or Northumberland where Simon had lived
from 1810 thru 1840 nor is there any name
resembling "Showers" in these places. Further
evidence in support of the name "Showers",
however, comes from a notice in the Sunbury
Daily Item, from August 27, 1896: "Mr. and Mrs
B.F. Showers, of Youngstown, are visiting Mr.
Showers' neice [sic], Mrs. Agnes Zinn, of Penn
street. This is Mr. Showers' first visit to
Sunbury in thirty-six years." Thus,
although the name fails the
Criterion of
Contextual Credibility, Canal
travel was becoming more and more frequent up and
down the Susquehanna division of the Pennsylvania
canal system. By 1840 Simon was employed in
"navigation of canals" so it is certainly possible
(but not evident) that he met Mary Ann in his (or
her) travels. The informant named on Vandine's
death certificate is "Mrs. Vandine Martz", who is
his third wife Catharine (Bubb).
Since she had no known "vested interest" in
knowing Mary Ann's maiden name, however, the Criterion
of Dissimilarity can't be applied
here to support the name reported. What name do
you see? -rjm)
During 1820
Jonathan Martz
(Mertz) household:
1 male [Jonathan], 26 to 44 [born 1775 to 1794]
1 female, 26 to 44 [born 1775 to 1794]
1 male [Simon?], 10 to 15 [born 1804 to 1810]
2 females, 16 to 25 [born 1794 to 1804]
3 females, 10 to 15 [born 1804 to 1810]
1 female, under 10 [born 1810 to 1820]
-Census, Augusta Township,
Northumberland County, 1820
During 1830
Jonathan Martz
1 male [Jonathan], 50 to 59 [born 1771 to 1780]
1 female [Catharine], 40 to 50 [born 1780 to
1 male, [Simon?] 15 to 20 [born 1810 to 1815]
3 females, 15 to 20 [born 1810 to 1815]
1 male, 10 to 15 [born 1815 to 1820]
1 male, 5 to 10 [born 1820 to 1825]
Jonathan Martz occupies 3 acres
valued at $50, has 1 cow, and is taxed: real $.45,
personal $.03, occupation $.06¼
-Census, Point Township,
Northumberland County, 1830
County Tax Book, Point Township, 1830
(Note: Jonathan is the only Martz in Point
Township. -rjm)
During 1832
Jonathan Martz
(Jonathen), lock tender, has 1 cow and is taxed:
personal $.03, occupation $.12½
Simon Martz, single laborer, is
taxed: occupation $.06¼
County Tax Book, Northumberland Boro, 1832
(Note: Simon's is the next entry below that of
Jonathan Martz and this proximity provides the link
between Simon and Jonathan; they are the only two
Martz's in Northumberland Boro. It is the first known
tax entry for Simon Martz, who is probably about 21
years old. This is a Triennial Assessment year, so it
is possible that Simon was overlooked for taxation for
a couple of years previous. -rjm)
During 1833
Jonathan Martz
(Jona. Martz) or John Porter
occupies 1 lot valued at $200, has 2 cattle, and is
taxed: real $.67, personal $.06, occupation $12½, real
(state) $.20
Simon Martz, single, is taxed:
occupation $.06¼ $.25
County Tax Book, Northumberland Boro., 1833
(Note: John Porter is probably the owner of the
property and Jonathan is his tenant. Perhaps he is the
junior partner of Clyde and Porter (See 1825). That's
quite a tax hike for Simon. What's his new occupation?
Jonathan and Simon are still the only Martz's in
Northumberland. -rjm)
During 1834
Jonathan Martz or Jno.
Porter occupies 1 lot valued at $200, and
is taxed: real $.67, occupation $12½, real (state)
Simon Martz, single, is taxed:
occupation $.25
County Tax Book, Northumberland Boro., 1834
(Note: Did Jonathan get rid of his cows? Jonathan
and Simon are still the only Martz's in
Northumberland. -rjm)
During 1835
Simon Martz occupies
80 acres valued at $10, is taxed: real
$1.20, occupation $.25, real
(state) $.30
Simon Martz, single laborer, is
residing in a house on Queen Street (1 lot valued at
$200, John Porter, owner), adjacent
to Burkenbine. Simon's taxes: real
$.90, occupation $.25, real (state) $.20
County Tax Book, Point Township, 1835
County Tax Book, Northumberland Boro, 1835
(Note: On Cummings map of Northumberland for
1858, S. Burkenbine is located at the southwest corner
of Fifth and Queen Streets. This entry is taken from
the Triennial Assessment book, however Simon's
corresponding entry in the annual tax collection book
is crossed out. Jonathan is not listed in either one;
where's Jonathan? -rjm)
During 1837
Simon Martz is
County Tax Book, Augusta Twp, 1837
and . . .
Collected from Simon Martz,
$.16 owed to the estate of Jesse Martz.
County Will Book, file 175
(Note: The actual date of collection is not
given, however Letters of Administration for Jesse
Martz's estate were filed August 23, 1837, implying
Simon had incurred the debt prior to that date. Jesse
Martz was a partner with his brothers John and David
in a blacksmith shop on Market Street between Second
and Third Streets. They are not known to be related to
Simon. -rjm)
During 1838
Simon Martz is
County Tax Book, Augusta Twp, 1838
and . . .
Mercy Martz is
born, daughter of Simon Martz.
-Census, Sunbury, 1850, 1860
(Note: The 1870 and 1880 censuses imply she was
born in 1840, although if she was born after August
13, then it would be in the previous year. -rjm)
During 1839
Harrison Martz, son of Simon Martz, is
-Sunbury American, June 21, 1845
(Note: He is reported as being "about 6" in 1845 but
is not included in the household in the 1840 census)
Simon Martz
"not in township"
-Northumberland County
Tax Book,
Augusta Township, 1839
During 1840
Martz household
1 male, 20 to 29
1 female, 20 to 29
1 female, under 5
1 person employed in navigation of canals, lakes
and rivers
Simon Martz occupies 1 lot,
valued at $400, and is taxed: real $1.20, occupation
$.12½, state $.40
Simon S. Martz occupies 1 lot
in Sunbury, price $400, value of real $400. and is
taxed real $1.20, occupation $.12½
-Census, Sunbury, Pennsylvania, 1840
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1840
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1840-1841
(Note: Simon is probably 10 years older than
reported. See later censuses. -rjm)
During 1841
Simon S. Martz,
labourer, is a tenant in farmhouse and ¾ acre owned by
McCarty & Davis
adjoining Mrs. Margaret Markley's brick house, value
of real estate $350, real + personal property $350;
Taxes: occupation $.12½
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1841
During 1842
Simon S. Martz
occupies real estate valued at $350 (¾ acre, McCarty);
Taxes: occupation $.12½, real .35
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1842
During 1843
Simon S. Martz
occupies a log house on ¾ acres, valued at $350 and
owned by McC. & D., adjoining Margaret
Markley; Taxes: occupation $.12½, county
$.70, state $.70.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1843
(Note: There are two tax books for 1843. The
above entry is probably the triennial assessment while
the corresponding entry in the tax collection book is
crossed out. It looks like he moved to George
Harrison's property, see 1844. -rjm)
During 1844
Simon Martz
(Tenant of McCarty see George
Harrison) occupies ½ acre valued at $125; Taxes:
real $25, occupation $.12½.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1844
(Note: Moved since 1843? -rjm)
May 21, 1844 (Tuesday)
NOTICE - The partnership heretofore
subsisting between the subscribers under the name of M'Carty
& Davis, & which commenced
on the first day of April, 1816 is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. Thomas Davis who will continue the
business at the old stand number 171 Market Street is
fully authorized to receive all debts due to the firm.
Wm. M'Carty
Thomas Davis
Philadelphia, May 21, 1844 3tp
(Note: This might be the reason Simon moved from
the property owned by McCarty and Davis to that of
George Harrison this year. -rjm)
September 16, 1844
Martz is born in Sunbury to Simon
and Mary Ann Martz.
Martz Bible
Vandine Martz
(Note: I conjecture that Vandine is named for the
Vandine family in Chillisquaque Township, circa 1800
and that perhaps his grandmother, Catherine, is from
this family. -rjm)
December 31, 1844 (Tuesday)
List of Letters Remaining in the Post
Office at Sunbury, Pa. December 31, 1844: . . . M.-
Simon Martz . . . R.B. Packer, P.M.
Gazette-American, 1/11/1845
(Note: Now that's intriquing! I haven't noticed
Simon's name in this context ever before or since. My
guess is that it has something to do with former
landlords McCarty and Davis of Philadelphia. We don't
know of any distant relatives. -rjm)
During 1845
Simon Martz
occupies ½ acre valued at $125, and is taxed: real
$.25, occupation $.12½
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 184
June 19,
Harrison Martz
American, June
21, 1845

During 1846
Simon Martz,
tinker, occupies ½ acre valued at $125, owned by Cath.
Alter est, and is taxed: real $.25,
occupation $.12½
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1846
During 1847
Simon Martz, tinner
[tinker?], occupies ½ acre valued at $125, owned by Cath.
Alter est, is taxed: real $.25, occupation
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1847
and . . .
The Sunbury Brass Band comprises William
Youngman, leader, clarionet; Daniel Shindel,
cornet; Edward Masser, piccolo; Jacob Youngman,
tenor slide trombone; Agram Fry, clarionet; Charles
Weiser, tuba bass; Newton Shindel, French horn; Washington
Weiser, snare drum; Charles Bogar,
bass drum.
Youngman, "Sunbury, The Village Life", Proceedings of
the Northumberland County Historical Society, v.II, p.
74ff, 1930
(Note: Couldn't overlook an early Sunbury horn
player. -rjm)
During 1848
Simon Martz
occupies property owned by Cath. Alter
est. and is taxed.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1848
April 16, 1848 (Sunday)
Agnes (or
Gideanna) Martz is born,
daughter of Simon Martz.
1850, 1860,
Agnes Zinn
Martz, laborer, occupies property owned
by H. Masser and is taxed $12.50.
-Northumberland County
Tax Book,
Sunbury, 1849
(Note: The
above is from the tax collection book; the triennial
assessment book has a note that Simon is replaced by
Martin Bucher at C. Alter ex, and is now a tenant of
H.B. Masser. -rjm)
During 1850
Simon Martz,
laborer, occupies property owned by John
Smith, and is tax $.12½
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1850
-The Sunbury Gazette and
Northumberland County Republican, May 4, 1850
June 29, 1850 (Saturday)
Notice - The vendors and retailers of
domestic and foreign merchandise of Northumberland
County will take notice that they are assessed and
rated by the appraiser of mercantile taxes for the
year 1850 as follows ... Beer Houses and Oyster
Cellars ... Sunbury ... Phillip Brymire,
Class 8, License $5.00
(Note: No listing for Simon Martz -rjm)
August 13, 1850 (Tuesday)
Simon Martz household:
Simon Martz, 47, distiller
Mary Martz, 34
Mercy Martz, 12
Vandine Martz, 5 (FEMALE?!)
Gideanna Martz, 2
Sunbury, Pennsylvania, 1850
August 15, 1850 (Thursday)
Jesse Bastian household:
Jesse Bastian, 49, shoemaker
Barbara Bastian, 48
George Bastian, 21
Ebenezer Bastian, 20, shoemaker
Davide Bastian, 12
Jeremiah Bastian, 5
Catherine Rigel
-Census, Sunbury (household 156),
Pennsylvania, 1850
(Note: Barbara is believed to be Simon's sister.
Where is Elizabeth Bastian, age 3?? -rjm)
During 1851
Simon Martz,
laborer, occupies property owned by Rachel
McCarty is taxed $.12½
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1851
During 1852
Simon Martz, Toy
Shop, occupying Rachael McCarty's
property, is taxed: occupation tax $.25.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1852
(Note: Simon is NOT listed in The Sunbury
(5/29/1852) as having been appraised for mercantile
tax. It seems the failed to assess him of the fee, but
wiil catch up with him two years from now (see
-Sunbury American, May 6, 1854
During 1853
Simon Martz, Toy
Shop, occupies Rachael McCarty's
property and is taxed: occupation tax $.25.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1853

-Sunbury American, Feb 25, 1854
During 1854
Simon Martz Cake
Shop, Rach. McCarty's property, occupation tax $.25.,
Baker, owner of 1 lot valued at $800, is taxed: county
real $1.60, occupation $.25, state $2.40
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1854
(Note: See 4/1/1854. -rjm)
January, 1854
Simon Martz borrows
$200 (amicable scire facias) from Jacob
County Appearance Docket, January Term 1854
(See 11/17/1858)
April 1, 1854 (Saturday)
Simon Martz buys
lot #33 from J.W. Friling for $1200,
on the south side of Market Street, Sunbury,
Pennsylvania. This lot is 60' by 230', between Benjamin
Hendricks (lot #32 on the west) and Thomas
Robins (lot 34 on the east), with an alley
at the back.
County Deed Book KK, page 389
(Note: Weaver's Hotel (later the City Hotel and
now the Edison Hotel) is 2 doors to the west at the
corner of Fourth and Market streets. This is prime
commercial property near the center of town. -rjm)
June 10, 1854 (Saturday)
Notice the vendors and retailers of
domestic and foreign merchandise within the county of
Northumberland will take notice that they are assessed
and rate by the appraisor of mercantile taxes for the
year 1854 as follows:
Sunbury class. license
Philip Brymire, liquor 8 $8.50
Simon Martz, liq., 8 8.50
During 1855
Simon Martz, baker,
is taxed: Property value $700, tax $.25
County Tax Book, 1855, Sunbury

-Sunbury American, Jun 9, 1855
During 1857
Simon Martz,
baker, is taxed. Property value $700.
-Northumberland County
Tax Book,
1857, Sunbury
19, 1857 (Saturday)
The paving of Market Street is
progressing. Henry Donnel, Esq.,
Mr. Edward Gass, Mr. Sebastian
Haupt, and Henry Haupt
have laid down excellent stone pavements. Mr. George
Gass and Mr. Simon Martz
have also completed theirs. Our neighbors on the
opposite side are also making preparations.
-Sunbury American, 9/19/1857
During 1858
Martz, baker, owns 1 lot valued at $800
(revised to $700), 1 cow $15, and is taxed:
real/personal $1.05, occupation $.25, state $1.75.
County Tax Book(s), 1858, Sunbury
May 18, 1858 (Tuesday)
New Millinery Goods - The
Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of
Sunbury and vicinity that she has removed her
store to the house of Solomon B. Boyer
opposite Weaver's Hotel where she has opened a
new supply of millinery and fancy dry goods the
latest and most fashionable style which she will
sell at reasonable price. Sarah Martz
- Sunbury, 4/24/1858 - 4t
-Sunbury American, 5/18/1858
This shop is opposite Simon Martz's house; Sarah
is no known relative, but Simon apparently
did have a lot of sisters. She is about 23
years old. -rjm)
September 6, 1858 (Monday)
Died, in Sunbury on
last Monday afternoon, Mrs. Barbara
Bastian, wife of Jesse
Bastian, aged about 56 years.
-Sunbury Gazette, 10/11/1858
(Note: She's a
daughter of Jonathan Martz and (probably) a
sister of Simon Martz. -rjm)
25, 1858 (Saturday)
The comet every clear evening is
attracting the gaze of the curious and may be seen
very early in the morning, and for an hour or so after
sunset. Astronomers pretend to calculate its distance
form the sun and earth, and the exact length of its
tail. The exactness of these calculations is doubtful.
and . . .
-Sunbury Gazette, 9/25/1858
(Note: The Sunbury Gazette office is situated
"nearly opposite Weaver's hotel" which is nearly next
door to Simon's house. -rjm)
November 17, 1858 (Wednesday)
Judgement of debt (Amicable Scire
facias) of $200 is entered against Solomon
Martz say Simon Martz in
favor of Benjamin Hendricks (for Jacob
Grilich). Judgement was entered as No. 119,
in January term 1854.
County Appearance Docket, January Term 1859, No. 13, p.6.
During 1859
Simon Martz,
Restaurant, occupies property valued at $800, and is
and . . .
Simon Martz,
Testessent [? Restaurant?], owns and occupies 1 lot
valued at $600, has 1 cow (above the age of 4 years)
valued at $15, is taxed $75.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1859
(Note: Recorded in same tax book, but crossed
out, is an entry listing occupation as Oyster Saloon.
-Sunbury American, Apr 2, 1859
During 1860
Frederick Hammer,
occupies residence owned by J.B. Masser
and is taxed.
Simon Martz, Restaurant,
occupies 1 lot valued at $800, has 1 cow $15, and is
taxed: real/personal $1.63, occupation $.50, state
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1860
June 13, 1860 (Wednesday)
Philip Brymire household
(dwelling 236):
Philip Brymire, 57, restaurant keeper, real
estate $1500, personal estate $400, born in Germany
Mary [Brymire], 46, born in Pa.
Elizabeth Bastian, 13
(Note: It is conjectured that Mary is a sister of
Simon and daughter of Jonathan Martz. Elizabeth
Bastian is probably a daughter of Jesse and Barbara
Bastian, conjectured to be a sister of Mary Brymire
and Simon Martz. Barbara died two years ago (see
9/6/1858) and poor Elizabeth's dad, Jesse Bastian,
will be killed momentarily in a freak railroad
accident (see 10/10/1860). Simon will loan Philip
Brymire $100. (See 8/25/1865.) -rjm )
June 15, 1860 (Friday)
Simon Martz household (dwelling 348):
Simon Martz, 53, laborer, real
estate $2000, personal estate $200
Mary A., 44,
Vandine, 15, attended school
Agnes, 11, attended school
Josiah, 7
Catharine, 1
All born in Pa.
and . . .
Fredric Hammer household (dwelling
Fredric Hammer, 26, carpenter,
personal estate $50
Mercy A., 22
Mary A., 3/12
All born in Pa.
and . . .
Peter Lazarus household (dwelling
Peter Lazarus, 61, clerk,
personal estate $300
Elizabeth, 28
Mary, 26
Josephine, 24
Mary Landau, 16, domestic
All born in Pa.
-Census, Sunbury, 1860
(Note: It looks like Vandine's future wife, Mary
Ellen Landau, is living near (probably next door) to
his sister, Mercy A. Hammer. -rjm)
September 17, 1860 (Monday)
Simon Martz buys 2
acres from H.J. Wolverton and wife
for $100. The property is lots 33 and 34 on the north
side of the Center Turnpike and eastern side of the
Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, now the Shamokin
Valley Pottsville Railroad, bounded by Thomas
Robins (north side) and Henry
Weiss, (east side).
County Deed Book RR, page 2.
(Note: Yesterday was Vandine's 16th birthday, and
this property will eventually be his home.)
October 10, 1860 (Wednesday)
Terrible Accident in Sunbury.-
On Wednesday evening last, Jesse Bastian,
an old resident of Sunbury, aged about 60 years, was
killed on the Northern Central Railroad, in a
shocking manner. At the time the accident happened
he was engaged in carrying a sack of oysters from an
oyster car which was standing on the turnout near
the Lutheran church. In order to reach his
wheel-barrow which was standing on the opposite side
of the road, he was forced to cross the main track,
and while crossing, an engine which was backing down
at the time, struck him, knocking him down, it is
supposed, with his head and arm over on rail, and
one of his legs over the other. His head was cut
completely off, and his arm and leg shockingly
(Note: He was the son-in-law of Jonathan
Martz and (probably) Simon's brother-in-law. -rjm)
During 1861
Frederick Hammer,
laborer, is a tenant of J.B. Masser (although there is
a notation that he has left), and is taxed $.13.
Simon Martz, Restaurant, owns 1
lot valued at $800, and 1 cow $15, county taxes:
real/personal $2.04, occupation $.25
June 29, 1861 (Saturday)
Nuisances.- The greatest nuisances
from which our citizens are now suffering are fire
crackers and "infant drummers". The boys not only make
the streets in the evening unpleasant with their
exploding crackers but really dangerous to ladies
passing. The young scamps have adopted the practice of
throwing under the dresses of ladies prominading on
the pavements apparantly as much delighted with
bombarding the crinolin as Beauregard was with
throwing shells into Sumter. There is a borough law in
regard to this nuisance and it should be enforced. Let
us have one Fourth of July without this annoyance. The
"infant drummers" of whom we have several specimens in
town if not as dangerous as the fire-crackers are even
more annoying as there is no cessation to their
hostilities. Every evening their rub-a-dub commences
in Market Street at sundown a premature tatoo and is
kept up until ten o'clock at night to the great horror
of people with weak nerves residing in the
(Note: I'm sure Simon's two scamps are above this
sort of thing. -rjm)
-Northumberland County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1861
November 18, 1861 (Monday)
Simon Martz pays
$7.60 in interest on $200 debt to David Hauck,
admins. and judgement in favor of Henry Haupt
is transferred.
(See 11/7/1858)
During 1862
Simon Martz,
laborer (erased), is taxed.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1862
During 1863
Simon Martz,
Restaurant, owns and occupies 1 lot valued at $600, 2
cattle above the age of 4 years valued at $24, and is
taxed: real and personal $1.25, occupation $.25, state
County Tax Book, 1863, Sunbury
During 1864
Simon Martz, c.
baker, owns and occupies 1 lot valued at $600, has 2
cattle valued at $24, and a new tobacco house valued
at $50, and is taxed: real and personal $1.26,
occupation $25, state $1.87 + .15 for tobacco house.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1864
and . . .
Simon Martz owns 2 acres
valued at $100, and is taxed: real/personal $.20,
state $.30
County Tax Book, Upper Augusta Township, 1864
(Note: This is the property purchased 9/17/1860.
January, 1864
Simon Martz Et Am.
Sci. fa. on debt of $200
County Appearance Docket, January Term 1859, No. 13, p.6.
(Note: See 11/17/1858. -rjm)
During 1865
Simon Martz,
laborer, is taxed.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1865
and . . .
Martz owns 2 acres valued at $150, and is
taxed: real/personal $1.50
-Northumberland County Tax
Book, Upper
Augusta Township, 1865
(Note: Simon is classified as a laborer for the
next 3 years. The property in Upper Augusta has
increased in value, maybe we've built a house for
Vandine. -rjm)
March 3, 1865 (Friday)
Rebecca Henry is
born, presumably to Josiah and Sarah
Funeral Home records
(Note: Rebecca is listed in the 1870 and 1880
censuses with Simon Martz. If she is the daughter of
Josiah Henry, then she is the only girl, which might
be part of the reason she was given to Simon. She is
believed to be the same person as Rebecca Zinn, later
living with Simon's daughter Agnes Zinn and who
married Julius R. Mantz. -rjm)
August 25, 1865 (Friday)
Simon Martz makes
two loans of $100 each to Josiah Henry,
Sarah Henry and Philip
County Appearance Docket, August Term 1865, Nos. 163, 164, p. 238
(Note: Philip Brymire was a liquor dealer at the
same time as Simon in 1854 and perhaps his partner? A
Josiah (Isaiah) Henry served as a private in Company
K., 51st Pennsylvania Infantry, during the recent
southern unpleasantness. The relationship between
Simon and the Henry family has not been established.
Here he is loaning them money. Later a son will be
named Martz Henry, which suggests perhaps a familial
relationship. Rebecca Henry, who was born earlier this
year will be listed as "in the family" and as a
"granddaughter" in Simon's house in the 1870 and 1880
censuses. Rebecca H. is also included as a "daughter"
in the household of Simon's daughter, Agnes
Zinn, in 1880. Sarah Henry's maiden name is given as
Otto on the death certificate of her son, Martz Henry
(1921). It's a puzzlement. -rjm)
September 25, 1865 (Monday)
William Zinn buys
lot 14 of Fryling's Addition on the east side of
Broadway or Water Street from J. Fryling
and wife. The property is 34' 3" by 230' bounded by
lot #13 (north) and lot #15 (south). William Zinn is
from Gilmore County, Virginia.
County Deed Book XX, page 294
(Note: Broadway became Front Street and runs
along the river. -rjm)
During 1866
Simon Martz,
laborer, is taxed.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1866
and . . .
Simon Martz
owns 2 acres valued at $150, and is taxed:
real/personal tax $.90
-Northumberland County Tax
Book, Upper
Augusta Township, 1866
March 22, 1866 (Thursday)
Loan of $100 from Simon
Martz to Josiah Henry, Sarah
Henry and Philip Brymire
is satisfied.
County Appearance Docket, August Term 1865, Nos. 163, 164, p. 238
(Note: See 8/25/1865 for original loans and
tomorrow for the second payment. -rjm)
March 23, 1866 (Friday)
Loan of $100 from Simon
Martz to Josiah Henry, Sarah
Henry and Philip Brymire
is satisfied.
County Appearance Docket, August Term 1865, Nos. 163, 164, p. 238
(Note: See
8/25/1865 for original loan and yesterday for first
payment. -rjm)
During 1867
Simon Martz,
laborer, is taxed.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1867
. . .
Martz owns 2 acres valued at $150 add $40,
and is taxed: real/personal tax $.90 add $.24
-Northumberland County Tax
Book, Upper
Augusta Township, 1867
(Note: Finished or built another house maybe?
and . . .
Vandine Martz,
laborer, is taxed: occupation tax $.25
County Tax Book, Upper Augusta Township, 1867
(Note: Vandine is a tenant but no property owner
is listed. It is assumed to be father Simon. -rjm)
June 11, 1867 (Tuesday)
Shad.- We rejoice in being able to
announce that the people in Sunbury have had occular
demonstration of the success of Col. Worrall's
fish-way in the Columbia Dam. On last Tuesday, a wagon
load of shad - real Susquehanna shad - caught a short
distance below town, were offered for sale in our
streets and of course were readily purchased at good
prices. They were caught a Buyers Island by that
veteran fisherman, Wm. Gougler. One hundred and eleven
were taken by him on Monday and about 400 on Tuesday.
Another party of fishermen tried their luck a short
distance below the dam, and were successful but not to
the same extent.
(Note: There has been some controversy over the
effect of various dams in the Susquehanna on the fish
population. Simon will try making his living as a
fisherman, in the next couple of years. -rjm)
During 1868
Simon Martz, gent.,
is owner of property, and is taxed.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, 1868
and . . .
Simon Martz owns 2
acres valued at $200, and his tenant is Vandine
Martz. Simon is taxed: real/personal $1.60
County Tax Book, Upper Augusta Township, 1868
and . . .
Vandine Martz,
laborer, is tenant of S. Martz, and is taxed:
occupation tax $.25
County Tax Book, Upper Augusta Township, 1868
During 1869
Simon Martz,
fisherman, owns and occupies (with Wm. Zinn)
1 lot valued at $650, has 1 cow valued at $15, and is
taxed: real and personal $5.32, occupation $25, state
-Northumberland County Tax Book, Sunbury, East Ward, 1869
June 12, 1869 (Saturday)
William Zinn buys
lot no.2 in Rockafeller's addition on Race Street,
Sunbury, from George Harrison for
County Deed Book 141, page 269
(Note: See 3/24/1871. -rjm)
July 6, 1869 (Tuesday)
William Zinn sells
lot no. 14 in Fryling's addition on Broadway (or Front
Street), Sunbury to J.W. Bucher for
$400. The property is 34' 3" on Broadway by 230' deep.
County Deed Book 56, page 16
(Note: The Zinn's are moving up. See 9/25/1865.
During 1870
Simon Martz,
laborer, owns ½ lot valued at $350 (½ sold to Lyon),
1 cow $15, has a value/income $365, and is taxed:
real/personal tax $2.92, occupation tax $.25
-Northumberland County Tax Book, Sunbury East Ward, 1870
April, 1870
Symon [sic] Martz
To sand, 5 loads sand at 60 cents per load. 3.00
Notebook of Mr. John Leeser, Sunbury
(Note: This notebook runs from 1864 through 1870
and appears to contain records of receipts from sales
and services performed for various individuals by Mr.
Leeser. This entry is the only one that mentions Simon
and appears to be a sale to him of 5 loads of sand.
April 5, 1870 (Tuesday)
Josiah Henry loans
Mary Brymire $800 plus $125 attorney
October 17, 1870
County Appearance Docket No. 221, March Term 1870, p. 201
June 6, 1870 (Monday)
Josiah Henry household:
Josiah Henry, 37, shoemaker,
personal $200
Sarah O., 33, keeping house
Alfred, 11, at home, attended
Martz, 9, at home, attended
Jno. Wesley, 7, "
William, 3, "
Joseph, 1, "
-Census, Sunbury, West Ward,
dwelling 66
(Note: I conjecture that Rebecca Henry, 5, who is
living with Simon Martz, is a member of this family.
See 8/25/1865 and 7/6/1870)
June 20, 1870 (Monday)
William Zinn household:
William Zinn, 32, laborer, real
estate $1200, personal $200, born in Virginia, cannot
read nor write
Agnes, 20, keeping house
Mary A., 3, at home
Susana, 10/12, infant, born in
-Census, 1870, Sunbury, West Ward,
dwelling 249
(Note: Agnes is Simon Martz' daughter. -rjm)
July 6, 1870 (Wednesday)
Simon Martz household:
Simon Martz, 64, laborer
Mary Ann, 54, keeping house,
cannot read nor write
Josiah, 17, laboring, cannot
read nor write
Catharine, 12, at home
Rebecca Henry, 5, in the
-Census, Sunbury, East Ward, 1870,
dwelling #20
(Note: Rebecca Henry is believed to be the
daughter of Josiah Henry. It is
further conjectured that she is the same person as Rebecca
Mantz, (3/3/1865 - 6/7/1943), who married Julius
R. Mantz, (7/9/1865 - 3/2/1916), son of Solomon
Mantz and Harriet Ray.
Julius and Rebecca Mantz moved to Elmira, New York,
where they died. They are buried in Pomfret Manor
Cemetery, Sunbury, Pennsylvania. A Rebecca H. (born
1865) is also listed in the household of Simon's
daughter, Agnes Zinn, in 1880 and
later called Becky Zinn in newspaper
items. Agnes Zinn sold property to Rebecca Mantz in
Funeral Home Records, Northumberland County Historical Society
Certificate (New York State), Julius R. Mantz
July 15, 1870 (Friday)
Simon Martz sells
the eastern ½ of lot #33 on Market Street to William
C. Lyon for $1200. Property is 30' by 230'
and is bordered on the east by Mr. Shannon.
Reference deed book KK, pp. 389-391, 4/1/1852, John
R. Fryling and wife, Philip Clark
and wife to Simon Martz.
County Deed Book 59, page 88
July 26, 1870 (Tuesday)
Frederick Hammer household (dwelling
Federick Hammer, 37, R.R.
laborer, born Delaware, mother and father of foreign
birth, cannot read nor write
Margaret [sic], 30, keeping
house, cannot write
Mary A., 11
William F., 9
Joseph H., 7
and . . .
Vandine Martz household (dwelling
Vandine Martz, 27 [sic], R.R.
Laborer, real estate $1600, personal $100
Mary E., 26, keeping house
William, 5
Catherine, 4
John, 1
-Census, 1870, Upper Augusta
(Note: "Margaret" Hammer is undoubtedly still
Simon's daughter, Mercy. (cf. 1860 and 1880 censuses.
Vandine is actually 25 at this date. Notice the
proximity of the two households. I don't know exactly
where the Hammers are living, but there may be more
than one house on Vandine's property. -rjm)
September 12, 1870 (Monday)
Simon Martz sells
ground in Upper Augusta Township (approximately 2
acres) to Sam N. Gayman for $1000,
to open an alley between Eckman and
Bloom through branch railroad. Mary
Ann Martz signs with an X.
County Deed Book 59, page 383
(Note: This is probably part of Vandine's
property, maybe nearly all of it. -rjm)
November 28, 1870 (Monday)
Simon Martz borrows
$52 from William M. Rockefeller,
payable April 1, 1871.
County Appearance Docket, November Term 1875, No. 315, p.160.
During 1871
Simon Martz,
laborer, owns and occupies property valued at $615
County Tax Book, Sunbury, East Ward, 1871
During 1872
Martz, laborer, owns and occupies property
valued at $615, and is taxed.
-Northumberland County Tax Book, Sunbury, East Ward, 1872
January 25, 1872 (Thursday)
Simon Martz pays
$3.64 to William M. Rockefeller,
interest due on $52 loan.
(See 11/28/1870)
July 18, 1872 (Thursday)
On Thursday afternoon last, a son of
Mr. Fred. Hammer, aged about 7
years, was run over, about a mile north of this place,
by a passenger train on the Danville, Hazelton, and
Wilkes Barre Railroad. The boy was lying on the track
asleep, when the train ran over him killing him
and . . .
Killed on the Railroad. - On thursday
afternoon of last week a son of Frederick Hammer, aged
about ten years, was killed on the D.H. & W.R.R.
about two miles above Sunbury. The parents of the
unfortunate boy live along the line of the railroad in
that neighborhood. It seems that the boy had been sent
by his mother to a neighbor living some distance down
the road, for milk, and he had not been gone a quarter
of an hour before he was run over and killed by the
passenger train coming south. As the engine
approached, those on it observed him lying in the
centre of the track, and before the train could be
stopped the cow-catcher caught him, threw him on the
rail and mangled him terribly. The head was almost cut
from the body. It is supposed that the boy, walking on
the track, must have been overcome by the heat or
overtaken by a fit.
(Note: Simon's daughter, Mercy was this kid's
mother. -rjm)
September 28, 1872 (Saturday)
The eel catchers are now busy
capturing large numbers of the "old chaps" in the
river at this place. They are readily sold at 16 cents
per pound.
SALMON - Mr. James Reiland
brought some splendid Susquehanna salmon to market
last Saturday, some of them weighing 10 pounds. Mr.
Reiland informed us that he recently had caught a
black bass which he returned to the water. The few
that had been put into the river a few years ago have
already begun to show the success of the experiment in
the introducing of this excellent fish into the
(Note: Simon Martz was a fisherman in 1869. Shad,
salmon and trout fishing are also referenced from time
to time. -rjm)
December 21, 1872 (Saturday)
New Bowling Saloon - The fine hall of
Ira T. Clement adjoining the billiard
saloon of Jno. P. Pursel has is
being fitted up handsomely for a bowling saloon by Mr.
Pursel. The alleys are being constructed of by
first-class workmen. A door has also been put in the
parition for an entrance from the billiard saloon.
These two rooms will be handsomely furnished and those
who delight in the exercise of the cue and in knocking
the pins will find it a first-class resort.
(Note: Recall that in 1833 Jonathan Pursel
married Susan Martz, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth
Martz, and possibly a cousin of Simon. See 9/10/1833.
During 1873
Simon Martz,
laborer, owns and occupies property valued at $600.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, East Ward, 1873
(Note: Decrease in property value by $15? Got rid
of a cow, maybe. -rjm)
December 20, 1873 (Saturday)
-Harrisburg Telegraph, Dec 22, 1873
About five o'clock P.M., the cry of fire
was raised and soon all good firemen were hurriedly
rushing to their respective housed. Mr. Chas.
Maihl first arrived at our house, while he
was opening up, Tillerman Tweed
arrived and at once took charge of the tiller. Mr. James
T. Paul possessed himself of the Auxiliary
Horn. Director Gibson took the
Chief's horn. The truck without further delay was
conveyed (as fast as six inches of mud would allow) to
the scene of action - the stable of Dr. John
G. Markle, 5th between Market and Chestnut
Sts. The Tiller was broken just as we reached the fire
by some unknown person springing on it from the
sidewalk. Before the arrival of Sunbury Company, the
No. 3 ladder was raised against the house of Mr. Brosius
and a line of buckets formed. The barn being enveloped
in flames, when the truck arrived there was very
little to be done; but an unfortunate altercation took
place between some of our boys and the Foreman of
Sunbury Company, such scenes should be avoided ad they
reflect uncredit upon either party.
The fire under control, the lamps were lighted
and the truck was pulled home - each member secretly
or openly uttering maledictions on the liquid
condition of the streets. As the truck was backed
around to run it into the house, one of the boys
exclaimed, Listen!! - Fire! Fire!! fell upon the
attentive ears, a glance up Fourth Street was met by a
burst of flames from near the City Hotel. With
difficulty the truck was turned, then mud was
forgotten - all pulled with a will and soon we were
anchored opposite the City Hotel stable. Every ladder
was manned and soon in use. The utmost endeavors of a
majority of the members of the Good Intent on the spot
were used to prevent the spread of the flames. The
stables of the City Hotel, Messrs. Campbell
and Heim were entirely destroyed;
the stable of Simon Martz and Mr. Jos.
Eisley's dwelling were partially consumed
and partially torn down to prevent further
About eight P.M., the steamer burst her flue and
quit from that time until ten o'clock, we were unaided
even by the neighbors. For the bravery of many members
of the company I am heartily thankful. I am very
sorry, however, to report the numbers of the Good
Intent were in various states of intoxication. Many
left without permission, so that out of thirty-five
present when the second fire broke out, only nineteen
answered at Roll-call - at times during the fire not
more than a dozen were on the ground.
Discipline was at a discount an in many instances
members were ordered to surrender their implements to
outsiders. Through hard persistent labor and personal
bravery much was accomplished. At ten P.M. all danger
being over, the company returned to their house and
upon a call of the roll the following answered:
Directors Israel, Gibson,
Bright and Slaymaker,
Fisher, Clement, Renn,
Shrank, Brown, Wilvert,
Wharton, Hendricks,
Awl, Eyster, Landau,
Mantz, Tweed, Jones,
Hill, Sensenbach, Maihl
and Young. Dismissed.
Chas. M. Clement, Recorder
January 13, 1874. Read at stated meeting and
approved by the company.
R.A. Fisher, Sect'y
Book of the Good Intent Fire Company, Saturday, Dec. 20, 1873
(Note: Well, at least their intentions were good.
During 1874
Simon Martz,
laborer, owns property occupied by self and Zinn,
and is taxed.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, East Ward, 1874
March 30, 1874 (Monday)
Simon Martz borrows
$100 from William M. Rockefeller,
payable one year after date with interest.
County Appearance Docket 316, November Term 1875, p. 161
April 17, 1874 (Friday)
Mr. Samuel Gayman,
having finished his fish pond adjoining his residence
in Purdytown, placed his black bass in it on Monday.
Mr. Gayman's experiment is an interesting one and we
hope he may succeed.
(Note: This is probably the property that Simon
sold him, which used to be Vandine's back yard. See
9/12/1870. -rjm)
June 22, 1874 (Monday)
Simon Martz pays
$10.00 on account to William M. Rockefeller,
toward $52 loan.
(See 11/28/1870)
December 26, 1874 (Saturday)
Simon Martz pays
$10.00 on account to William M. Rockefeller,
toward $52 loan.
(See 11/28/1870)
During 1875
Frederick Hammer is
living at residence of Goodhast, and
is taxed.
-Northumberland County Tax Book, Sunbury, West Ward, 1875
and . . .
Simon Martz,
laborer, owns property occupied by himself and
Zinn, and is taxed.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, East Ward, 1875
9, 1875 (Friday)
The borough poor
house on Water Street is now in operation. The
cooking apparatus and utensils have been moved from
the soup house to the new quarters of which Mrs.
Harriet Logan has been appointed landlady.
It is suggested to have a cow or two connected with
the establishment to supply the necessary milk and to
raise on the premises a portion of the pork required
by the inmates. By proper management our taxes for the
support of the poor can be considerably reduced.
-Sunbury Gazette, 4/9/1875 and 4/16/1875
(Note: Simon has begun to accumulate more
debt than he can repay, and as a result will become "a
borough charge' and an inmate of the poorhouse in less
than ten years from now. -rjm )
and . . .
In consequence of a misunderstanding
resulting in a fight between Mrs. Josiah
Henry and Hannah Troutman
of this place the latter was bound over on complaint
of the former to appear at the next term of court.
and . . .
The "Daily" presents the female war
in the upper end of town in the following phase: Mrs.
Henry Casette, nee Hannah Troutman,
represents herself as having been assaulted by Mrs.
Josiah Henry and 'Squire Brice
served Mrs. H. the same as 'Squire Pursel
served Mrs. Casette, the other day by binding her over
to appear at court. Mrs. Henry's two boys were
arrested about the same time for throwing dirt etc.
against the house of Wm. Blair and were also bound
over to appear at court.
4/9/1875 and 4/16/1875
(Note: Just a couple of mamma's boys. -rjm
September 7, 1875 (Tuesday)
-The Sunbury Gazette
and_Northumberland County Republican, Sep 10, 1875
During 1876
Simon Martz,
laborer, owns ½ lot valued at $1000, for a total
value/income of $1000, and is taxed: real/personal tax
$10, occupation tax $.25
County Tax Book, Sunbury East Ward, 1876
March 13, 1876 (Monday)
A boy named Charley Brown
had a narrow escape from death on Monday evening in
this place. He was on a train coming south and just
above the Central Hotel he jumped off and, as he did
so, was struck by an engine going up, and received
severe cuts about the hip and ankle. He was taken to Doc.
Haupt's Drug Store, where his wounds were
(Note: You're a good man (but still a blockhead),
Charley Brown. -Lucille Van Pelt)
During 1877
Sarah Henry
(1836-1877), wife of Josiah Henry,
Mrs. Sarah Henry, Josiah Henry
estate is taxed.
"Old" Cemetery Inscriptions, Theron Dodge, James
Miller, May 1938
County Tax Book, Sunbury, West Ward, 1878
and . . .
Simon Martz,
laborer, owns and occupies property valued at $800,
and is taxed
County Tax Book, Sunbury, East Ward, 1877
(Note: Why is there a $200 decrease in property
value? -rjm)
December 4, 1877 (Tuesday)
Council Proceedings, December 4, 1877
- Meeting called to order, quorum present, minutes of
the last meeting read and approved. . . . The
following orders were granted . . . Simon
Martz $1.00 . . . S.E. Slaymaker,
Town Clerk
(Note: There seems to be a minor discrepency
between the date of the meeting and the date of the
newspaper here, but that's the way I transcribed it to
tape. -rjm)
April 18, 1878 (Thursday)
Simon Martz borrows
$200 from Henry Haupt (guardian)
payable 21 months after date with interest.
County Appearance Docket, June Term 1878, no. 354, p.358
During 1879
Frederick Hammer,
laborer, is taxed $.25, residence (Mrs. Masser)
Book, Sunbury
West Ward, 1879
and . . .
Simon Martz,
laborer, owns property occupied by himself and Zinn,
and is taxed.
County Tax Book, Sunbury, East Ward, 1871
March 5, 1879 (Wednesday)
Sunbury, March 5, 1879, the following
is a statement of the Overseers of the Poor in the
Borough of Sunbury, showing the expenses for the month
ending February 28, 1879:
. . . order granted to C.M. Martin
for attending Mary Hammer in
confinement, 10.00;
(Note: Possibly Simon's granddaughter, Mary A.E.
Hammer, or even daughter Mercy. -rjm)
March 15, 1879 (Saturday)
Judgement of $72.60 and costs against
Frederick Hammer (see 12/16/1874) is
satisfied in full.
County Appearance Docket No. 847, January Term 1875, p.391
April 2, 1879 (Wednesday)
The remainder of debts of Simon
Martz due William M. Rockefeller
are assigned to William C. Lyon.
County Appearance Docket No. 315 and 316, November Term 1875
(Note: $142 by my calculation. See 11/28/1870 and
3/30/1874. -rjm)
April 7, 1879 (Monday)
-The Sunbury
Gazette, Apr 11, 1879
June 26, 1879 (Thursday)
Simon Martz borrows
$80 from William C. Lyon payable 1
day after date with interest.
County Appearance Docket August Term 1879 no.254 p.
September 25, 1879 (Thursday)
Simon Martz sells
brick house and western part of lot #33 on south side
of Market Street to William C. Lyon
for $1800. The property is bounded by Daniel
Heim (west) and Amelia Gross
(east). Reference deed book KK, pp. 389-390, 4/1/1852.
County Deed Book 78, page 592
September 26, 1879 (Friday)
Simon Martz
satisfies in full debt of $80 to William C.
and . . .
Simon Martz satisfies in full
debts assigned to William C. Lyon by William
(Note: See 6/26/1879 and 4/2/1879. -rjm)
During 1880
Simon Martz,
laborer, tenant of Wm. C. Lyon, income $20,
tax $.25 is a tenant of Mrs. Mary
Clements, has a yearly income of $25., and
is taxed: county tax $.18, jail tax $.12
County Tax Book, Sunbury East Ward, 1880
County Tax Book, Sunbury West Ward, 1880
(Note: The East Ward entry is crossed out
apparently since he has moved to the West Ward. -rjm)
January 1, 1880 (Thursday)
Simon Martz
satisfies in full debt of $200 to Henry Haupt.
(Note: See 4/18/1878. -rjm)
March 18, 1880 (Thursday)

-The Sunbury
Gazette and Northumberland County Republican,
Feb 27, 1880
May 27, 1880 (Thursday)
-Sunbury American, 6/11/1880
(Note: Based on previous census records she was
probably closer to 64. -rjm)
June 17,
1880 (Friday)
Frederick Hammer household,
Susquehanna Avenue (dwelling 369):
Fredk. Hammer, 51
Mercy A. Hammer, 40
Mary A. E. Hammer, 21
William Hammer, 7
Fredk. Mc Collum [Hammer], 1
Mary A. Martz, 60
Elizabeth Peacoff
[Hammer}, 70, mother (dead)
-Census, Sunbury, West Ward, 1880
-Census, Sunbury, West Ward, 1880,
Mortality Schedule 5.
(Note: Both Elizabeth and Mary Ann died in
the last couple of months. Based
on previous census records Mary Ann was probably
closer to 64. She is also listed the next
day age 64 at the residence of her daughter, Agnes
Zinn, see below. -rjm)
June 18, 1880 (Friday)
Simon Martz household, Railroad
Avenue (dwelling 333):
Simon Martz, 73, border,
single, laborer, unemployed 16 (?) months
Rebecca Henry, 15,
granddaughter, house work
Both born in Pennsylvania, including parents.
-Census, Sunbury, West Ward, 1880
and . . .
William Zinn household, Railroad
Avenue (dwelling 390),:
William Zinn, 41, married,
laborer unemployed 7 months, (he and parents born in
West Virginia)
Agnes, 30, wife, keeping house
Rebecca H., 15, daughter, at
home (Rebecca Henry?)
Mary A., 12, daughter, at
Susannah, 10, daughter, at
Simon, 6, son
Frederick L., 3, son
Bertha, 1, daughter
Mary A. Martz, 64,
mother in law, married, keeping house, cannot write,
All but William and his parents born in
-Census, Sunbury West Ward, 1880
(Note: Mary Ann Martz died 5/27/1880. See also
6/17/1880 Frederick Hammer. -rjm)
During 1882
Simon Martz,
laborer, is a tenant on Saw Mill Property, has a
value/income $25 carpenter $50, and
is taxed: county $.18, jail $.10
County Tax Book (Sunbury West Ward), 1882
During 1883
Simon Martz,
laborer, is a tenant of saw mill property, has an
income of $25, and is taxed $.23
William Zinn,
laborer, is a tenant of saw mill property, has an
income of $25, and is taxed $.23
-Northumberland County Tax Book, Sunbury, West Ward, 1883
April 13, 1883 (Friday)
Simon Martz sells
to Vandine Martz a two-story frame building, out
building, and lot (36 perches and 65 feet), in Upper
Augusta Township for "$10 and further consideration of
love and affection". The property is on the north side
of Market Street (51 feet), bordered on the west by
the "horn" railroad (208 feet) and the east by
properties of Marks Kauffman and J.
County Deed Book 87, p. 416
-The Sunbury Weekly
News, Oct 5, 1883
During 1884
Simon Martz,
laborer, is a tenant on Saw Mill Property, has a
value/income of $25; and is taxed: county tax $.18
William Zinn, laborer, is a
tenant of saw mill property, has an income of $25, and
is taxed $.18
County Tax Book, Sunbury, West Ward, 1884
(Note: It looks like the tax rolls have not been
updated to show Simon is now in the Poor House (sigh)
February 22, 1884 (Friday)
Doings in Court - . . . The boy
murder case was then called in which young Joseph
Arnold was charged with killing Grant
McCannis, a young tramp. . . Christian
Meisenhelter, one of the overseers of the
poor of Sunbury, testified that McCannis was brought
to the poor house suffering from a wound back of the
head; that he lived about thirty-six hours and died
there;. . . Mrs. Agnes Zinn was next
called to prove the dying declaration of Grant, but as
it was not shown that she knew at the time that he
would probably die, the evidence was not admitted.
Weekly News,
(Note: And what was Agnes Zinn doing at the Poor
House? Probably visiting her father, Simon Martz. See
5/26/1884 and 1885. -rjm)
May 26, 1884 (Monday)
Simon Martz, who
has been a borough charge for quite some time, left on
Monday for Buffalo where he has a daughter living. He
intends to make that his home if he can find
employment. He used to be pretty well fixed in this
world's goods until several years ago when he lost
Weekly News,
(Note: I guess he wasn't ready to give in to the
poor house. The daughter might be Agnes Zinn See 1885.
During 1885
Simon Martz,
laborer, is a tenant of Poor House, value/income $25
County Tax Book, Sunbury West Ward, 1885
and . . .
William Zinn
Taxed: tenant of Ann Moore,
laborer, value/income $25
County Tax Book, Sunbury East Ward, 1885
(Note: Simon has shuffled off to Buffalo and
possiblythe Zinns have although a year from now Willim
Zinn will die in Harrisburg. See 3/23/1886. -rjm)
During 1886
Simon Martz, single
man and laborer, is a tenant of Poor House, has a
value/income of $25., an aggregate value of $25, and
is taxed $.18
County Tax Book, Sunbury 3rd Ward, 1886
(Note: He's back!! I guess it didn't work out in
Buffalo. But why are we assessing taxes on the poor??
March 23, 1886 (Tuesday)
Death of an Old Sunburian - William
Zinn, formerly of this place, died in
Harrisburg on Tuesday at 12 o'clock. He was aged about
47 years. The remains will be brought to Sunbury on
News Express Thursday morning and will be taken to the
Methodist Church, where the funeral services will be
held, and thence to the grave yard. Mr. Zinn was well
know in Sunbury. He was a son-in-law of Simon
Martz, of this place. -Daily
and . . .
William Zinn, a son-in-law of Simon
Martz, died in Harrisburg last week. He was brought to
Sunbury for burial. He was 47 years old. His wife and
several children remain.
Sunbury American, 3/26/1886
Sunbury Weekly News, 4/2/1886
and . . .
Joseph Hammer, a
son of the late Frederick Hammer,
has become dissatisfied with his wife whom he lately
married for reasons known to himself and others, has
refused longer to live with her and gives notice
-Sunbury Weekly
May 6, 1890
In the Courts - Tuesday.
Subpoenas in divorce were awarded in the case of Mary
J. Hammer against Jos. H. Hammer.
-Sunbury Weekly
News, 5/9/1890
December 16, 1890
A Card from Joe Hammer -
Joseph Hammer was granted a divorce by the court from
Mary J. Hammer on the 16th of December. He says it is
a burden off his shoulders and hopes she will not try
to poison the next man she marries for the small sum
of $2000 insurance money. Joseph Hammer
County Democrat, 1/1/1891
January 29, 1891
Wedding Bells - Joseph
Hammer and Carrie Bartholomew United
in Bonds of Holy Matrimony - The home of Mr. F.
Houghton, of lower Front Street, witnessed
the joyous scene on Thursday evening January 29, the
occasion being the marriage of Mr. Joseph H. Hammer
and Miss Carrie Bartholomew at the appointed hour with
Mr. Jas. Miller as groomsman and
Miss Emma Spath as bridesmaid. The
happy couple presented themselves before the
officiating clergyman and Rev. Weber
spoke the words that made them one...
-Northumberland County Democrat, 2/5/1891
(Note: Joseph Hammer is believed to be the son of
Frederick Hammer and Mercy A. Martz, and grandson of
Simon Martz.)
During 1887
Simon Martz, single
man and laborer, is a tenant of the Poor House, has a
value/income $25.
County Tax Book, Sunbury 3rd Ward, 1887
and . . .
An old wooden building on Front
between Walnut and Spruce was rented as a poor house for some years.
The present poor house was purchased in 1886; it is a
two-story brick building located in Limestone valley
one mile south of the borough limits on the line of
the Northern Central railway, with an acre and a half
of ground adjoining. One acre was originally bought,
to which a half-acre was added in 1890.
of Northumberland County, Herbert C. Bell, Chicago, 1891
(Note: Simon's tax book entry is crossed out with
note pointing to Upper Augusta) Township where the new
Poor House is located. It is still (1993) standing on
Route 147, just south of Sunbury, and is privately
owned. It was apparently administered by the borough
until 1/12/1938 when the Northumberland County
Institution District was organized to take
administrative responsibility for all of the poor
houses in the county. County records exist from 1938
to 1962, unfortunately none of the earlier borough
records have been found. -rjm)
During 1888
Simon Martz, single
man and laborer, is a tenant of Poor House, has a
value/income of $20., and is taxed $.12
County Tax Book, Upper Augusta Township, 1888
(Note: After this year the Sunbury Poor House
will continue to be listed as tax-exempt property (1
acre, value $350) in the Upper Augusta Township tax
books, however the tenants are no longer listed.
Strike a blow for tax reform; at least we're no longer
taxing the destitute. -rjm)
August 27, 1888 (Monday)
-Northumberland County
Democrat, 8/31/1888
-The Sunbury American,
(Note: Simon was probably buried in the Sunbury
"old" cemetery at Spruce and Fourth streets. Municipal
records for this cemetery are incomplete and it is
stated that there are graves upon graves. Since it is
in the low part of town not far from the river, it has
been ravaged by flooding, particularly in 1936. It is
also situated next to the Northern Central Railway
line along Third street, and was once buried under
railroad cinders. Many of the stones have been damaged
and are unreadable. The Hammers and William Zinn are
known to be buried there and it is possible that Simon
was laid to rest in one of those plots. May you rest
in peace, wherever you are, Simon. -rjm)
January 27, 1890 (Monday)
-The Sunbury Weekly News, Jan 31,
August 31, 1893 (Thursday)
Married - Miss Becky Zinn
and J.R. Mantz of Sunbury were
married at the Ridge Avenue M.E. Parsonage one day
last week by the Rev. M.L. Ganoe.
The newly-married pair received a complimentary
serenade by the Commonwealth band at the home of Mrs.
C. Minnehan and left later for Atlantic
City. - Harrisburg Sunday Telegram
County Democrat, 8/31/1893
(Note: I think this is Rebecca Henry, who lived
with Simon Martz before being adopted by the Zinns.
January 13, 1909 (Wednesday)
Agnes Zinn dies of
chronic (?) Bright's disease. Housewife living at 145
Awl Street, Sunbury.
January 16, 1909
Agnes Zinn is buried at Pomfret Manor Cemetery.
-Shipman Funeral Home Records, Sunbury, Pa.
(Note: The informant for the death certificate is
Mrs. Julius Mantz, who is Rebecca (Henry?) Zinn. She
knows that Simon Martz was Agnes' father but doesn't
know her mother's maiden name. -rjm)