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Home David Mertz Peter Mertz Peter Martz, Jr. Jonathan Martz Simon Martz Vandine Martz Charles M. Martz James V. Martz Frederick Braun Isaac Bubb Adam Elliot Decade Finder 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 |
Vandine Martz (1844-1917) was my great-grandfather. He was born on September 16, 1844 in Sunbury, Pennsylvania to Simon and Mary Ann Martz. On August 8, 1862 (a month short of his eighteenth birthday) he enlisted as a private in the 131st Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. Following his nine-month service in the War, he returned to Sunbury and on May 24, 1864 he married Mary Ellen Landau (1844 - 1873) with whom he had three children:: February 13, 1844 (Tuesday) Mary Ellen Landau, is born.September 16, 1844 (Monday) Vandine Martz is born in Sunbury to Simon and Mary Ann Martz.March 19, 1849 (Monday) Amanda Poff is born?August 13, 1850 (Tuesday) Simon Martz household:August 15, 1850 (Thursday) Henry Landau household:August 23, 1850 (Friday) John Poff household:March 25, 1852 (Thursday) Catharine Bubb is born, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Bubb.June 15, 1860 (Friday) Simon Martz household (dwelling 348):and . . . Fredric Hammer household (dwelling 373):and . . . Peter Lazarus household (dwelling 374):September 17, 1860 (Monday) Simon Martz buys 2 acres from H.J. Wolverton and wife for $100. The property is lots 33 and 34 on the north side of the Center Turnpike and eastern side of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, now the Shamokin Valley Pottsville Railroad, bounded by Thomas Robins (north side) and Henry Weiss, (east side).August 8, 1862 (Friday) Vandine Martz joins for duty as Private, Company C, 131st Pa. Vol. Infantry, Northumberland County, Pa. Age: 18 years (although he was 1 month short of that age -rjm); Bounty Paid: $25.May 2, 1863 (Saturday) On Saturday evening the Union men of Sunbury rigged up the flagstaff in Market square which by the action of the weather had lost the rope by which the flag is elevated. In order to attach the rope it was necessary to lower it which was easily done with the ample assistance rendered. Mr. Rufus Davis brought his force from the Northern Central engine house assisted by Samuel Snyder, Charles T. Wharton and several other men skillful in such operations. By the united operation the old flag was again flying from the staff where it had been elevated on the twenty-second of February, 1861. It would seem that our Union men had an impression that Fighting Joe was going to do something and it was necessary to get the flag ready.May 9, 1863 (Saturday) Metal Tipped Shoes.- Shoes are an important item in the expense of clothing children, as every parent will understand. They invariably wear out their toe first and not infrequently before the other parts are worn. Children shoes with metal tips never wear out at the toe and it is safe to say that on an average one pair of them will more out-wear three pairs without them. We believe all the shoe dealers keep them.May 23, 1863 (Saturday) Private Vandine Martz is mustered out of Company C, 131st Pa. Vol. Infantry, at Harrisburg, Pa. Last paid to 2/28/1863; Am't for cloth'g in kind or money adv'd $40.63.May 24, 1864 (Tuesday) Married.- On the 24th inst., by P.M. Shindel, Esq., Vandine Martz and Mary Landow [Mary Ellen Landau], all of Sunbury.During 1865 Simon Martz owns 2 acres valued at $150, and is taxed: real/personal $1.50February 11, 1865 Sat William Henry Martz is born, son of Vandine and Mary Ellen Martz.July 31, 1866 (Tuesday) The honorably discharged soldiers of Sunbury met in the court house on last Tuesday evening and organized an association of the "Boys in Blue", to operate for the gallant Geary the meeting was temporarily organized by appointing Capt. D. Oyster, president; C.D. Wharton, Capt Prowell, Capt. Painter, S.H. Billington, John Leeser, and Harvey Goodrich, vice presidents; and Lieut. Hendricks and H.D. Wharton, secretaries. The object of the meeting being stated by Lieut. A.N. Brice it was on motionDuring 1867 . Simon Martz owns 2 acres valued at $150 add $40, and is taxed: real/personal tax $.90 add $.24and . . . Vandine Martz, laborer, is taxed: occupation tax $.25March 2, 1867 (Saturday) The Latest.- A new invention is heralded in the column advertisement in the Philadelphia Press.- It is styled the "Breast Developer" and is designed to impart a beautiful rotundity to ladies who are deficient in that respect. I will supersede cotton and is considered a big thing.May 27, 1867 (Monday) Our neighbor of the American professes to have seen a large comet in the nortern heavens on Monday night of last week. Since their announcement of its appearance we looked for it but could not "see it". Such a visitor would certainly be an object of interest and might serve to get up an excitement in these dull times.November 15, 1867 (Friday) Catherine E. Martz is born, daughter of Vandine and Mary Ellen Martz.During 1868 Simon Martz owns 2 acres valued at $200, and his tenant is Vandine Martz. Simon is taxed: real/personal $1.60and . . . Vandine Martz, laborer, is tenant of S. Martz, and is taxed: occupation tax $.25February 24, 1868 (Monday) The 23rd snow of the season fell on Monday of last week. We have had half a dozen since making this one of the snowyest winters within the memory of the oldest inhabitant.March 10, 1868 (Tuesday) G.A.R. - A post of the Grand Army of the Republic was organized in this place on Tuesday evening.November 13, 1868 (Friday) Meteors.- The display of meteors or falling stars, as they are more commonly called, on last Friday night and Saturday Morning, was quite brilliant at this place. Their appearance on that night was predicted by the astronomers and announced in the newspapers. The branch of science relating to meteors, which in former years was quite vague and uncertain, has become remarkably exact through recent observations and discoveries.April 10, 1869 (Saturday) A Relic of The Olden Times.- The editors of the Miltonian have got hold of an old newspaper printed in Northumberland in 1804 by Andrew Kennedy . . . These old papers are interesting relics of a former generation and serve to remind us the progress we have made as a people during a half a century.August 23, 1869 (Monday) John M. Martz is born, son of Vandine and Mary Ellen Martz.July 26, 1870 (Tuesday) Frederick Hammer household (dwelling 22):and . . . Vandine Martz household (dwelling 29):August 25, 1870 George Witmer household, Lower Mahanoy Township Northumberland County:September 12, 1870 (Monday) Simon Martz sells ground in Upper Augusta Township (approximately 2 acres) to Sam N. Gayman for $1000, to open an alley between Eckman and Bloom through branch railroad. Mary Ann Martz signs with an X.January 24, 1871 (Tuesday) Stewart [Martz] is born, son of Amanda Poff [?] and stepson of Vandine MartzDuring 1872 Vandine Martz, R. Road, owns 1 lot valued at $150, and is taxes: real $1.05, occupation $.25May 11, 1872 (Saturday) New Cornet Band. - The establishing of a cornet band in this place is now a fixed matter the instruments have been purchased, and in a few days the band will be fully organized under the leadership of Mr. Thomas D. Grant, assisted by Mr. Thomas M. Pursel and Jared C. Irwin. The instruments will consist of ten pieces besides drums and cymbols, the cost of which will be about $550. This organization will be composed of some of our very best young men in this place some of whom are endowed with extra musical talent.May 18, 1872 (Saturday) Soda Fountain - C. J. Fox on Third Street, whose tobacco store is considered one of the finest outside of the city, has lately erected a soda fountain in his sales room, where all may be refreshed with pure sparkling ice-cold soda water flavored with the purest of spirits.June 1, 1872 (Saturday) Our cornet band continues to flourish and improve both as to membership and style of playing. The members have become quite efficient in the execution of a number of pieces of music and it is a great treat of hearing the full band discourse music.June 8, 1872 (Saturday) William Henry Martz, son of Vandine Martz, dies at the age of 7 years and 4 months.June 29, 1872 (Saturday) Rain - We have had heavy rains on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights with numerous showers during the day. The streams in the vicinity are nearly bank full and the water in the river has risen to a heighth (sic) of some six or eight feet. There is a rumor that some of the booms up river gave way and a large amount of timber went adrift. The boom of the Sunbury Lumber Company, above Northumberland, also sustained some damage by the water. This freshet will enable lumbermen to float their timber out of small streams in the upper counties into the boom.July 4, 1872 (Thursday) CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF SUNBURY - The Celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the existence of Sunbury, on Thursday of last week, marks a very important era in the history of the town. It having been discovered that the survey was made one hundred years ago by our Chief Burgess, Solomon Malick, Esq., and Wm. I. Greenough, Esq., preparations were at once set on foot by the Borough Council, and afterwards by a citizen committee of fifteen to properly commemorate the event. . . . The initial ceremonies of the day were inaugurated by the ringing of bells and loud whistling of locomotives, and at the shops above and below town at midnight. This was followed by the firing of cannon, the crashing of windows, and the shooting of fire crackers. The dawn of the day revealed a warm sun, and the arrival of our regular fourteen daily trains, together with a number of excursion trains, brought to our midst crowds of people and visiting organizations, to participate in the work of the day. Our streets and dwellings were neatly displayed with evergreens, portraits of the older citizens and fathers of the revolution, and the stars and stripes, while a number of bands and a drum corps from Harrisburg enlivened the scene with cheering music. . . . The parade in the morning was one of the finest ever congregated in central Pennsylvania. It was the feature of the ceremonies, which in point of appearance, was most admired. In the procession the main elements were the military and firemen. . . . The route of the procession was from Market Square to Front street; up Front to Arch; out Arch to Fourth; down Fourth to Chestnut; out Chestnut to Fifth; up Fifth to Market; out Market to Market Square, when at about 12½ o'clock, the procession was dismissed for dinner. The procession numbered about 1,000 men. It is certainly no exaggeration to say there were 15,000 strangers in town. . . . At 2 o'clock, the time appointed, the afternoon exercises commenced. A stand 12 by 32 feet had been erected at the western end of Market Square, and trimmed with spruce and flags. . . . Judge Jordan occupied about 35 minutes in the delivery of his address. He said the meeting was called for three objects. First to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the Borough of Sunbury, Second, to celebrate the anniversary of our National Independence, and Third to select a spot in the public square, on which to erect a monument to the memory of the brave men who fell in the great rebellion. . .July 27, 1872 (Saturday) That Clock - We are opposed to making any compromises in this matter, and only ask in a common justice. The sum of $500 was paid by the writer of this article some five years since, for the court house bell, with an express agreement with the commissioners, that the money so paid should be held in trust by the county, subject to the order of the writer whenever he wanted the same, for the purpose of purchasing a clock for the court house. We ask no contribution from the commissioners. All we want is the money, justly due us from the county, with interest, with which we propose to do what the commissioners should have done themselves, long since, namely finish the court house by placing a clock on the tower as designed by the architect. The gable end windows of the court house might have been boarded up with the same propriety as boarding up the clock tower openings, apparent to strangers as if the county was unable to finish the building.September 7, 1872 (Saturday) Bad Conduct.- A party of rowdy young men and strumpets were guilty of disorderly and riotous conduct on Market Street on last Saturday night or rather Sunday morning. A free fight was indulged in and black eyes were the result. It is to be regretted that they were not arrested and punished.October 18, 1872 (Friday) The Good Intent Fire Company of this place are making arrangements to put up an engine house Fourth Street, the south end of the lot recently purchased by the baptist congregation. We understand that they have engaged Frank Lerch of this place to construct them a hook and ladder truck, of the best style. They have no doubt that he will turn them out an excellent job.December 28, 1872 (Saturday) Sunbury Weather Cold Weather - The weather during the past week has probably been the severest experienced for several years past. On Christmas morning the thermometer ranged from 10 to 15 degrees below zero in this place.June 18, 1873 (Wednesday) Marry [sic] E. Martz, wife of Vandine Martz, dies.June 28, 1873 (Saturday) The "Fourth" will probably be a dull day in Sunbury as the different societies have all concluded to spend the day elsewhere. The firemen will mingle with their friends at Lockhaven, The Red Men with their brothers at Watsontown, the Knights of Pythias will go to Shikshinny, the P. O. S. of A. and the Boys in Blue, as well as a large number of our citizens will pay a visit to our neighbors over in Northumberland where a grand time awaits them. The address of Col. Taggart alone will repay all who spend the day at Northumberland.July 4, 1873 (Friday) The Uniforms of the Sunbury Cornet Band have been received by the members who made their first appearance in them on Tuesday evening. They were made in Philadelphia and cost $450. The band is improving rapidly in their playing and deserve to be handsomely uniformed.July 25, 1873 (Friday) On Friday last a misunderstanding took place in a nest of "Sirens" on the suburbs of the borough, between some four or five sisters in iniquity, which resulted in information being made before Squire Brice for various crimes committed. Flora McGee, alias "Corkey", Mrs. Kerstetter, Mary Judge alias "Coalheaver," and Mrs. Kissing alias "Bell of the Woods," were the principal actors in the drama. The parties had a hearing, and those whose friends were not forthcoming to enter bail, were committed to prison. The scene at the Squire's office is reported as being very disgusting, and it is regretted that all of them were not given a place behind bars.August 8, 1873 (Friday) It is worthy of remark that most of the cases which came before the Court, result from appetite for drink, and gratification of lust. A goodly array of unfortunate girls, with crying infants, seeking fathers for the innocent yet unhappy offspring, are sitting waiting for their opportunity to fasten the child on the man of their choice. . . .August 17, 1873 (Sunday) Fell From a Bridge - A son of Mr. Vandine Martz, aged about six years, on Sunday afternoon, fell from the abutment of the bridge at East Market street, and was severely injured about the head.December 7, 1873 (Sunday) Married - On the 7th of December by John Farnsworth, J.P., Vandine Martz to Amanda Poff of Upper Augusta Twp. March 27, 1874 (Friday) When the so-called Prussian Band was in Sunbury some months ago we offend some of their ardent admirers by suggesting they were not the Simon-pure article, although we gave due credit to their excellent performance. When here, they represented that they were in this country on a limited furlough - that they had given bonds for their return to Kaiser Wilhem's dominions in the Spring, showing documents to that effect, and that as distinguished horn blowers of the imperial army it was derogatory to their dignity to play in our streets. Well, after all this assumption and parade, we learn that the band disbanded the other day, and their leader Karl Kirchner has taken a job of work in a saw mill at Lewisburg. What will the worthy Kaiser say when his truant musicians fail to return and won't there be some dutch swearing among their friends at home who went bail for their appearance in the spring. However the Lewisburg Cornet Band has secured the services of Kirchner as their leader and what is Germany's loss is Lewisburg's Gain.April 4, 1874 (Saturday) Peter Poff and Hannah, his wife; John R. Poff and Sarah, his wife; Peter M. Poff and Adelia, his wife; George E. Poff and Mary, his wife; Joseph Poff; Peter Culp and Sarah C., his wife; Vandine Martz and Sabilla E., his wife (?); and Gideon Brosius and Mary A., his wife, all children of Peter Culp sell property to the Shamokin Valley Lodge No. 52 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in Lower Augusta Township, Northumberland County, Pa. for $480.April 14, 1874 (Tuesday) Karl Kirchner, the celebrated Prussian Cornet player, who is now a resident of Lewisburg, played with the Sunbury Cornet Band on Tuesday evening. We learn that our band will engage his service as teacher. His playing is perfect and his instruction would be of great benefit to our musicians, who, by the way, are making very good progress.April 17, 1874 (Friday) Mr. Samuel Gayman, having finished his fish pond adjoining his residence in Purdytown, placed his black bass in it on Monday. Mr. Gayman's experiment is an interesting one and we hope he may succeed.May 1, 1874 (Friday) Under the instruction of Karl Kirchner, the accomplished German cornet player (recently of the Prussian Band), the Sunbury Cornet Band will enjoy an advantage which it has not yet had - a good teacher. Mr. Kirchner will give them two lessons a week and, as he resides in Montandon, his time will be divided between Sunbury and Lewisburg. We may soon expect a first class band under his leadership for it has good musical material and only needs proper instruction. We understand that it is now without a room in which to meet and practice. As a good Band is an institution in which the whole community is interested, it would be entirely proper for the Council to permit our musicians to have their place of meeting in the Council Room.May 8, 1874 (Friday) Squeezing hands at the gate, saying soft things and looking still softer is not yet in order - the ground is too damp.May 30, 1874 (Saturday) Decoration Day. - The beautiful and touching ceremonies connected with the decoration of the graves of our fallen heroes - those noble men who offered their lives as a sacrifice for the nation - were generally participated in by all classes of our citizens, on Saturday the 30th of May. There appears to be no abatement in the interest taken in these annual services. The memory of our dead soldiers is ever green in the hearts of the people, and when the holiday comes round, they deem it a sacred duty to make fragrant their graves by strewing them with the richest and choicest flowers. . . . The solemn ceremony of laying the corner stone of the Northumberland County Soldier's Monument being one of the principle features of the day, business was generally suspended after ten o'clock in the morning. The exercises being announced to commence at 12 o'clock, the different societies and fire department assembled at the square a short time previous. . . . The following articles were placed in a copper box and deposited in the corner stone: Copies of the different papers of the county; a Bible; the new coins of 1874; an American flag; names of the Monument Committee; Minutes of the Monument Association; names of officers of Grand Lodge of Masons and relics of different kinds. . . .and . . . Festival - The Good Intent Fire Company of this place, not having had any entertainment for their benefit for many years, and there being a large number of members unable to equip themselves, propose to hold a festival commencing tomorrow evening, and continuing the beginning of next week. The festival will be held in Haupt's Hall. The funds raised to be appropriated to supply the members with necessary equipments and some additions to their apparatus.June 5, 1874 (Friday) We are happy to note the rapid progress made by the Sunbury Cornet Band. The manner in which they discourse music since they are being instructed and led by Prof. Karl Kirchener is really remarkable. Under his tuition we feel confident that the Band will ere long excel in proficiency, any Band around us. The Professor is considered one of the best musicians in this part of the country. The Band is composed of the best material, and by his extraordinary talent as a teacher, on decoration day their music was considered by all as being equal to that of some Bands which are considered first class.June 26, 1874 (Friday) The Sunbury Band will give a free concert in the Market Square on this Friday evening. The gates of the park will be left open for all visitors of the occasion. We are glad to notice the great improvement made by the band under their new instructor and leader. They have learned from Mr. Kirchner that true melody and harmony in music are inconsistent with wild blasts and imperfect arrangements of parts.July 3, 1874 (Friday) The new comet in the northern sky is now the matter of special attention of many persons every evening. It can be discerned with the naked eye.July 16, 1874 (Thursday) Irwin [Ervin] Jerome [Martz] is born, son of Catharine Bubb (Glitch).July 31, 1874 (Friday) In the case of Catharine Glitch vs. Henry Lewis Glitch, depositions of witnesses Rebecca Brocius, Charles Brocius, I.P. Witmer, and B.M. Bubb are produced and sworn before I.H. Hessler, Commissioner, at Lower Mahanoy Township.August 7, 1874 (Friday) Last Friday the members of the Sunbury Cornet Band, with considerable outside assistance, had a jolly good time helping their Mr. Kirchner fix up his grounds on the hill which they have christened "mount Kirchner" and where our musical friend intends to establish a place of resort which will be conducted and managed in true German style. From that elevated point we expect soon to hear the stirring notes of "Der Wacht am Rhine". We hope that our friend Karl will be sucessful in this enterprise and that the money he has invested in his spirited horse may be returned to him many fold.August 21, 1874 (Friday) The four large cannon for our soldier's monument with a large number of balls have arrived from Washington.September 19, 1874 (Saturday) The streets of our town were again in a riotous condition last Saturday night. Several fights, a clubbing, a fray, and other unlawful acts were perpetrated. A gang of rowdies rendered night hideous in Purdytown. Pistol shots intermingled with yells and oaths disturbed the repose of that usually quiet neighborhood.September 30, 1874 (Wednesday) Reuben Henry Martz is born, son of Vandine and Amanda Martzand . . . Meeting of the Survivors of the 131st Regiment P.V. - Representatives of the 131st Regiment, P.V., met at the Central Hotel, Sunbury, on the 30 ult., and made the preliminary arrangements for an annual re-union of the survivors of the regiment hereafter. Letters were read from Col. P.H. Allabach, Capt. Jones of Co. C., Capt. J.R. Orwig, of Co. A., and Lieut. G.T. Watters, of Co. K. . . . The time for the Regular annual meeting was fixed on December 13th, except when that date occurs on Sunday, when the meeting shall be held on the Tuesday following. . . .December 20, 1874 (Sunday) Irwin Jerome [Martz] is baptized at Stone Valley Lutheran Church. Parents are listed as William Emerich and Kate Glitsch with John Dockey and wife Elizabeth, sponsors.During 1875 Vandine Martz, laborer, owns 1 lot valued at $150, for a total value/income $150, and is taxed: real/personal $.75, occupation $.25March 26, 1875 (Friday) The snow is 2 feet deep.May 22, 1875 (Saturday) William Stuard Martz, stepson of Vandine Martz, dies.June 15, 1875 (Tuesday) The Steam Fire Company No. 1, of this place, will start on their excursion tour on Tuesday morning next and return in the latter part of the week. They will be accompanied by Karl Kirshner's Silver Cornet Band and a "snoot" band composed of members of the company. The latter has only lately been organized, and what they lack in music will be made up in merry-making to cause the lean members to "laugh and grow fat."December 14, 1875 (Tuesday) 131st P.V.I. 2nd reunion of 131st P.V. at MiltonDecember 24, 1875 (Friday) SAUR KRAUT - Doctors some 15 years ago considered saur kraut an unwholesome article of diet and many persons could not be prevailed upon to touch it. Of late years that idea is losing advocates. Time and experience demonstrated that it was a mistaken impression. Doctors now recommend it as wholesome, nutritious and digestible and it has become a favorite dish; so much so that nearly everybody relishes saur kraut, and it finds its way upon our most fashionable tables. Saur kraut lunch at beer saloons has got to be one of the great attractions. This kind of lunch is served every Saturday evening by some of our saloon men and the result is they have crowded houses during lunch hours. The saur kraut is as much relished as oysters and many devour it with a voracious appetite. One man, we are informed, living only a few squares from the saloons, eats a peck every Saturday with other condiments and feels happy. But then, we don't believe it.April 9, 1876 (Sunday) Mary Ellen Martz is born, daughter of Vandine and Amanda Martz.June 2, 1876 (Friday) We noticed on Decoration Day that this excellent Band is only partly uniformed. The reasons for this, we learn, is that most of them were young men when they joined, and who have since outgrown their uniforms, and are now unable to purchase one. The excellence of this band must have been noticed on Tuesday last, and every citizen "who hath music in his soul," must have seen under what disadvantages members labor. Under the leadership of Prof. Karl Kerschner they have become as proficient as any band in the country, and compare favorably with many noted bands in the cities. To accomplish this a vast amount of their time must have been devoted, and all for the interest of the people of this place. Every occasion in which the citizens are generally interested, the band volunteered and furnished music gratis. But as they will not be able to keep up their organization unless receiving something, it certainly becomes the duty of every one to give them encouragement to continue. The band propose, during this summer, to keep up their evening concerts on the Square, and in a short time will hold festivals and concerts, for their own benefit,to raise funds to keep up their organization. This will be a good time for all to show their appreciation of them, and we hope they will receive as liberal response as they have already given the citizens of Sunbury.March 5, 1877 (Monday) On Monday last, the booming of cannon was heard during the entire day in this place and many of the principal business places and dwellings were handsomely decorated with flags in honor of the inauguration of Hayes and Wheeler, President and Vice President of The United States.March 9, 1877 (Friday) Sad Sights - Those who imagine that there are no poor people in this region, should pay a visit to the office of Dr. John, secretary of the Poor Directors, on Friday or Monday. On those days the poor orders are issued and on such occasions the doctor's office is crowded with applicants many of them strong and healthy men who come with tears and beg for aid. It is nearly always the same story - no work, no money, no bread. Some of them have sickness in their families and the story of their suffering is enough to melt the stoutest heart. -Shamokin Times.April 13, 1877 (Friday) It is said that two and one half pounds of blue glass, if properly applied, will break up a serenade from a large body of cats.May 18, 1877 (Friday) Last week a number of hands at the P. & E. shops in this place were suspended and the time of the remainder cut down to 8 hours.May 25, 1877 (Friday) The Sunbury Cornet Band has employed Mr. Joseph Feerer as their leader and teacher in the place of Karl Kerchner.June 1, 1877 (Friday) The great improvement in the music and playing of the Sunbury Band under the instruction of Mr. Feerer of Selinsgrove was observed by our citizens on Decoration Day.February 3, 1878 (Sunday) Mary Ellen Martz, daughter of Vandine Martz, dies.April 4, 1878 (Thursday) Sarah Allis Martz is born, daughter of Vandine and Amanda Martz.June 21, 1878 (Friday) The latest wonder out is a talking machine which was exhibited in Painter's Building, Market Square during this week. Everybody should see it as it is the greatest wonder of the world. The phonograph, or talking machine has been brought to a degree of perfection that is wonderful and everybody should go and see it work and talk.July 12, 1878 (Friday) J.N. Bastian claims $37.50 "on back account for clothing sold and delivered" to Vandine Martz. A summons issued by A.N. Brice for Vandine Martz.December 2, 1878 (Monday) Soldiers Monument. - Meeting of the Soldiers Monument Association was held at the office of A.N. Brice, Esq., on Monday evening December 2nd. It was agreed to adopt the design of a granite monument to be made by Van. Gunden, Young & Dumm of Philadelphia. This work is to cost about $5000, and to be put up complete in six months. The officers, J.J. Smith president, and A.N. Brice, secretary, were authorised to contract for the erection of the monument. Hon. Simon Cameron has agreed to give $2500 towards it. We expect to see this granite shaft erected in the memory of our fallen heroes 42 feet high by the next decoration day.December 13, 1878 (Friday) 131st P.V.I. 5th reunion of 131st P.V. at WilliamsportDecember 20, 1878 (Friday) The fish ponds of Mr. Samuel N. Gayman, in Purdytown were overflowed by the recent freshet and it is supposed that the bass and other fish with which they were stocked have escaped. The bass in Mr. Gayman's ponds were the first of that kind of fish introduced into this neighborhood.April 9, 1879 (Wednesday) Amando [sic] Martz, wife of Vandine Martz, dies.May 10, 1879 (Saturday) On Saturday evening the Sunbury Band appeared in their new uniforms. They were procured from the Shamokin Guards and are neat and becoming.During 1880 Vandine Martz, laborer, owns 1 lot valued at $150, for total value/income of $150, and is taxed: real/personal tax $.75, occupation tax $.25March 25, 1880 (Thursday) Vandine Martz and Catharine Bubb are married.April 4, 1880 (Sunday) On Sunday last we had several showers of hail and rain. April showers are a sure indication of Spring. The terrific storm on Sunday evening accompanied with hail done considerable damage in blowing down fences, shutters, &c.April 13, 1880 (Tuesday) The sudden change in temperature on Tuesday, was remarkable. The mercury stood at 30 degrees at 6 o'clock A.M. and went up to 70 degrees at 3 P.M. a difference of 40 degrees in nine hours.May 5, 1880 (Wednesday) George W. Smith claims "on back account for goods sold and delivered demands $42.66, interest $12.77, total $55.43" from Vandine Martz. Summons issued by A.N. Brice.May 27, 1880 (Thursday) Deaths - In Sunbury May 27, 1880, Mrs. Mary A. Martz wife of Simon Martz aged 60 years.May 29, 1880 (Saturday) Saturday, May 29th has been decided on as Decoration Day.June 4, 1880 (Friday) We regret that the Sunbury Band has been disbanded. We would have been without any music on Decoration Day had not part of Hane's Shamokin Band come across the river an furnished the music. Mr. D.J. Wharton assisted them playing the tenor drum on which he has few equals. The band made excellent music and were well entertained by the citizens after Decoration ceremonies were concluded.June 11, 1880 (Friday) We were in error last week as to the name of the band in Decoration. It was the original Shamokin Dam Band under the leadership of G.M. Coryell instead of Hane's Band as we stated. The Shamokin Dam Band has a wide reputation as good musicians and we regret the error. The Hane's Band is newly organized and are just getting their instruments.June 15, 1880 (Tuesday) Vandine Martz household (dwelling 178):July 2, 1880 (Friday) Sunbury has 2347 inhabitants in the West Ward and 1861 in the East Ward, total 4208. To the above must be added Purdytown which makes Sunbury and suburb 5008.July 5, 1880 Mon The Number One Steam Fire Company was accompanied to Danville on Monday by Haine's Shamokin Dam Band; Hook and Ladder by the Northumberland Cornet Band and the Washington Steam Fire Company by a drum corps.July 23, 1880 (Friday) The new band instruments of the Number One Fire Company cost $330. The band made their appearance on Saturday in uniform to play for the railroad picnic. They made a fine appearance and discoursed excellent music. Joseph Feher of Selinsgrove has been employed as teacher.December 14, 1880 (Tuesday) 131st P.V.I. 7th reunion of 131st P.V. at SunburyDecember 16, 1880 (Thursday) Charles Milton Martz is born, son of Vandine and Catharine MartzJuly 3, 1881 (Sunday) Charles Milton Martz is baptized, parents are Vandyde [sic] Martz and wife Kate Bubb; Sponsor, mother.December 13, 1881 (Tuesday) 131st P.V.I. 8th reunion of 131st P.V. at MiltonSeptember 13, 1882 (Wednesday) 9th reunion of 131st P.V. at SelinsgroveApril 13, 1883 (Friday) Simon Martz sells to Vandine Martz a two-story frame building, out building, and lot (36 perches and 65 feet), in Upper Augusta Township for "$10 and further consideration of love and affection". The property is on the north side of Market Street (51 feet), bordered on the west by the "horn" railroad (208 feet) and the east by properties of Marks Kauffman and J. Lenker.May 15, 1883 (Tuesday) Sunbury (and surrounding cosmos) - The 19th of May is the time now fixed by the Adventists for the closing up of all earthly affairs. This is a serious matter and we hope all who are in arrears will please square up, as we do not wish to take our books along unbalanced. Do you hear?May 21, 1883 (Monday) July 4, 1883 (Wednesday) July 10, 1883 (Tuesday) November 2, 1883 (Friday) There is more building going on now than there was at any period during the summer. Old Sunbury appears to be shaking herself all over at once.and . . . Will all members of Co. C, 131st P.V. please hurry along all they know about comrades so that we can prepare a sketch of the company.and . . . Lt. Wm. A. Bruner Post G.A.R. No. 335 meets second and fourth Mondays of each month. A.N. Brice, Post Commander; Samuel Ruch, Adjutant.and . . . The Sunbury band festival was a success. The band, under the instruction of our friend Batman, is very proficient. The boys deserve success.November 9, 1883 (Friday) Sunbury Water Works The iron pipes are going in and the water works being successfully pushed forward.November 14, 1883 (Wednesday) Vandine Martz borrows $150 from Fort Augusta Lodge No. 620 I.O.O.F., an unincorporated Society, payable one year after date with interest payable semi-annually. Note taken in trust for the society by H.J. Waltz, B.F. Bright, and W.A. Fetter.November 15, 1883 (Thursday) Vandine Martz borrows $60 from B.F. Bright, payable one year from date.November 18, 1883 (Sunday) Sebastian Bougher's Birthday - The donation and surprise party gotten up by Lieut. Bruner Post No. 335, G.A.R. on Monday evening last, in honor of the eighty-eighth birthday of one of our aged citizen, Sebastian Bougher, who is the only surviving soldier in our midst of the war of 1812 proved a complete success. The members of the Post assembled at their hall at 7½ o'clock, and headed by the Sunbury Cornet Band, marched out Market and down Fourth street to the residence of Mr. Bougher and after a selection being played by the band, the members of the Post marched into the house in double file, found the old veteran sitting in the center of the reception room already surrounded by many friends and neighbors. The Soldiers shook hands, and filed out, after which a number of little girls sang several school songs. After another selection by the band, J.J. Reimensnyder, Esq., made a few but appropriate remarks on behalf of the Post, and was followed in reply by Rev. Mr. Brydie in a few happy and well-timed remarks on behalf of Mr. Bougher. The donations were numerous, useful and valuable, consisting of a new suit of clothes, flour, groceries, hams, spices, poultry, etc. and about sixty-five dollars in money, amounting in all to about $130.December 13, 1883 (Thursday) Tenth reunion of 131st Pennsylvania Volunteers at Muncy. We think there must be about 300 of the original 1000 in the regiment still surviving, from the best information obtainable. Of those, in the neighborhood of 100 were present at Muncy. Of these present, as nearly correct as we can obtain them with their places of residence were the following ... Company C: Lt. A.N. Brice, Samuel Ruch, Saul Shipman, Sunbury; Solomon Klase, Snydertown; Kimber C. Faro, Shamokin; James Hunt, Milton.January 4, 1884 (Friday) Why Divorce is So Common Today - This generation sees divorce more frequent not because men and women are more wicked but because married life is made more difficult by the excitement and complexity and manifold straits of modern life which render unhappy marriages more unendurable. A broad gap opens between the hot present and the dull quiet of other days when the husband past his days in a continuous round of work, when no avenue in life with marriage opened before most women, and both men and women past lives from which excitement, worry and the anxious rush of this day were absent. Any candid man who will reconstruct the life of 60 and 80 years ago will be convinced that, while that day had in it much of the secret wickedness as court and church records show, it had also conditions much less likely to prevent two people from leading quiet, uneventful and reasonably happy lives together.January 4, 1884 (Friday) The Sunbury Cornet Band have elected the following officers for the coming year (1884): president, C.W. Mantz; vice president, J.H. Slear; secretary S.R. Miller; treasurer, John Landau; leader, Charles McClure; assistant leader, Joseph Kline; trustees, E.E. Mantz, George Wier, W.D. Mantz; janitor, G. Dad Wier.February 1, 1884 (Friday) The Sunbury post of the Grand Army are initiating a movement to erect a hall for themselves and also for the public. A committee has been appointed to examine the matter and see after a lot. If it is taken a hold of discretely and pressed vigorously with proper economical views it will succeed.February 28, 1884 (Thursday) The Sunbury G.A.R. Post had the Fry Concert Troupe on Thursday night of this week.March 10, 1884 (Monday) Clara Gertrue [sic] Martz, daughter of Vandine and Catharine Martz baptized the same year.March 25, 1884 (Tuesday) Entertainment - The public are cordially invited to come to the court house on Tuesday evening March 25, 1884 to hear Hon. Frank Bound of Milton deliver a memorial address in honor of Lieutenant W.A. Bruner, in whose honor Post 335 G.A.R., of Sunbury is named. Instrumental music and war songs and short addresses after which an "experience meeting" be opened for "the boys". The admission fee will be a pound package, though these packages will be put up at auction during the evening.March 28, 1884 Fri Town and Country Scraps - Members of Lieutenant Wm. A. Bruner Post, G.A.R. of Sunbury, are out with a paper to raise money to buy a lot for a hall.April 21, 1884 (Monday) Lt. Wm. A. Bruner Post No. 335 G.A.R of Sunbury will give a home entertainment Monday evening April 21 at the Courthouse consisting of music, vocal and instrumental, a play, a "dutch comedian", minstrelsy, and declamations by high school scholars. People of Northumberland are cordially invited.May 16, 1884 (Friday) Local Happenings - Merry little flies are arriving a few at a time. The mumps are raging among the children of our town. The recent rains caused the river to raise 18 inches on Sunday.May 23, 1884 (Friday) W.F. Kleinsmith, formerly proprietor of the Beehive Store is in this town on a short visit. He is stopping at the City Hotel.and . . . This is leap year. Somebody ought to hold it onto Susan B. Anthony.and . . . A band of gypsies are camped at the Shamokin Creek bridge east of town and report has it that the men, women, children, horses, wagons and dogs are a sorry looking set, and the farmers others in the vicinity should keep an eye on their corn cribs and smoke houses. The horses are framed and lathed, ready for plastering. Of course, you can get your fortune told, past, present and future.July 7, 1884 (Monday) On Monday all departments of the shops went on ten hours a day time. It was a long want well felt!July 28, 1884 (Monday) To The Public - At a regular meeting of the Lieut. Wm. A. Bruner Post, No. 335 G.A.R., held July 28, 1884, the attention of the members was called to a publication appearing in the Morning News by order of the Sunbury Cornet Band, reflecting discredit on themselves and imputing improper motives to the Post, whereupon it was unanimously resolved that the Commander of the Post be instructed to give the public an explanation. In accordance with the above resolution, the Commander has this to say: That at a meeting of the Post on June 30th it was resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to solicit contributions from the generous public to defray the expense of taking music with the Post to Mt. Carmel July 4th. The committee was instructed to secure the services of the Sunbury Cornet Band if they could, and if not, to secure a martial band. In pursuance of the above duties the committee reported to the Commander that the Sunbury Cornet Band wanted $90 to go with the Post ($40 and expenses). This amount could not be raised by contribution. The committee had secured $10.75. The Commander directed the committee to collect no more as the $10.75 would pay for a martial band, which the committee was to and did get. The total expense for the martial band was $11.55. The reason why the Sunbury Cornet Band did not get "one cent" was because their services were not secured by the Post or anybody else on July 4th. COMMANDERJuly 29, 1884 (Tuesday) Judgement of $150 in favor of Fort Augusta Lodge No. 620 I.O.O.F and against Vandine Martz is satisfied in full debt, interest, and costs.August 25, 1884 (Monday) Judgement in favor of J.N. Bastian and against Vandine Martz for $37.75 plus interest and costs satisfied in full.October 3, 1884 (Friday) Van. Martz has been improving his residence in Purdytown.November 10, 1884 (Monday) The Purdytown high school opened Monday morning. Only one room has been finished but the crowded condition of the schools will make it necessary to finish up the other room, giving six schools in that growing suburb.November 28, 1884 (Friday) The Star of Bethlehem is visible in the eastern heavens from 5 o'clock A.M. till daylight. It can readily be distinguished by its brilliant beauty. It will disappear shortly and astronomers assert that it will not again be seen for 400 years.December 5, 1884 (Friday) The Sunbury band used their new instruments on Friday night. They make a nice display with them.December 13, 1884 (Saturday) Eleventh Reunion of the 131st Pennsylvania Volunteers - 11th Reunion of the 131st P.V. was held in the court house in Lewistown Pa. on Saturday, December 13, 1884. We could not get the names of all present there were likely 100, including the Watsontown Band which is considered part and parcel of the organization.January 16, 1885 (Friday) The Sunbury Cornet Band have elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: C.W. Mantz, president; J.M. Stratiff, vice president; Wm. Snyder, secretary; W. Dietrich, D. Sanders and G. Weir, trustees; John Landau, treasurer; Joseph Kline, teacher; F. Batman, assistant teacher; C. Smith, musical director; S. Werline, janitor.January 26, 1885 (Monday) On Monday evening the Members of the G. A. R. Post, were surprised by their wives and friends, who in secrecy made up a surprise party, and at an appointed hour, visited their hall bearing in their hands baskets with waiters laden with cakes and other refreshments, who at once took possession of the room and proceeded to dispense to the members, coffee, sandwiches, cakes, ice cream and cigars. It was an agreeable surprise and all enjoyed the joke perpetrated by their better halves. Brother Joe Lumbard, of the Selinsgrove Times, had visited the post to hear a Confederate soldier speak, but as the report was gotten up to evade suspicion of the surprise he was disappointed. He was rewarded, however, by a vote of being the handsomest man in the room and called upon to address the assemblage.February 20, 1885 (Friday) All the entertainments that have been given by the G. A. R. Post in this place have been of the highest order and have been well-patronized. We are proud to see that the citizens are taking a lively interest in the old soldier boys, particularly as they propose to give Sunbury a needed improvement which will also benefit them for all time to come. Let us keep up with our neighboring towns and endorse our home soldiers.May 1, 1885 (Friday) Scientists tell us there will not be a total eclipse of the sun until 1999. This is a very discouraging state of things, truly; some persons may be unwilling to wait so long to see the phenomenon; but if we continue to get three meals a day, and the peach crop doesn't fail oftener than once a year, and that in February, we should try to worry along without a total eclipse of the sun.May 8, 1885 (Friday) Theory of the Origin of Language - I heard an excellent joke the other night at a sociable, at which Professor Green of Harvard was present. Several gentlemen were discussing the origin of language when the professor was asked to give his views. "I can't say I know very much about it", he said, "but I suppose language was introduced during Adam and Eve's first quarrel when one word probably brought on another." -The New York StarJune 16, 1885 (Tuesday) Lt. W. A. Bruner Post, No. 335 G. A. R., will hold a festival in the rink on chestnut street commencing June 16. Ice cream, strawberries, &c. will be served. The public are invited to attend.January 9, 1886 (Saturday) The heavy snow of Saturday last drifted the roads shut at many places. The snow fell in this neighborhood to a depth of 16 inches.January 30, 1886 (Saturday) The G. A. R. Post of Sunbury has purchased lot of ground from J.B. Lenker for $1300 located on east Market street next to Batman's foundry. In size it is 50 feet in front.February 1, 1886 (Monday) Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County on the first day of February next, at 2 o'clock P.M. under the Act of the Assembly, entitled "An Act to Provide for the incorporation and Regulation of Certain Corporations", approved April 29, 1874, and the supplements thereto by Geo. H. Wier, C.W. Mantz, John C. Miller, John Berlew, and B.F. Batman, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "The Sunbury Cornet Band" the character and object of which is the advancement and promotion of instrumental music and for this purpose to have and enjoy all the rights benefits and privileges conferred by the act of assembly aforesaid and its supplements. L.H. Kase, solicitor, January 8th '86, 3t.February 5, 1886 (Friday) Vandine Martz's son, of this place, was married in Camden, New Jersey, the other day to a young lady named Sollenecker from Lykens. The groom was just seventeen and the bride a blooming 28.February 22, 1886 (Monday) Purdytown has 6 public schools and about 350 pupils. The balance of Upper Augusta Township has about 200 pupils. They only have 5 months schooling in a year. It ought to be at least 7 months.and . . . The G.A.R. Post Supper at their hall in Guyer's Building on the 22nd, was attended by over 200 men, women and children. They had a good time and enjoyed their feast. W.A. Sober, Esq. and Dr. J.R. Cressinger made appropriate remarks.March 15, 1886 (Monday) Judgement in favor of George W. Smith and against Vandine Martz for $55.43 assigned to Wm. H. Bruner, adm. of C.F. Bruner deceased, as collateral security to secure the payment of judgement held by him against G.W. Smith. (In other words, Smith paid Bruner with Vandine's still-unpaid debt.)April 30, 1886 (Friday) Vandine Martz borrows $200 from Joseph Weitzel, payable two years from date with interest costs.May 10, 1886 (Monday) Council Proceedings, May 10, 1886 - J.C. Miller, being present, was heard on behalf of Lieut. Wm. A. Bruner Post G.A.R. in regard to the care of the soldiers monument in Market Square Park, and on motion it was resolved that Lieut. Wm. A. Bruner Post G.A.R. be entrusted with the custody and care of the monument to be by them committed to such person or persons of their numbers as they may elect for the purpose, provided, no right or title to the same, to the exclusion of the public, except for purposes of proper custody adequately to care for the said monument and to keep the same together with the mound and grounds immediately surrounding it in suitable repair by the transfer of such custody. On motion resolved, That the committee on borough property be instructed to have the mound around the monument put into proper repair.May 14, 1886 (Friday) The big comet is brightest at 10 o'clock these nights in the northern sky.August 27, 1886 (Friday) Vandine Martz satisfies judgment of $55.43 and costs assigned to William H. Bruner.November 12, 1886 (Friday) The fifth ward appears to be infested with thieves.December 14, 1886 (Tuesday) The thirteenth annual reunion of the 131st Pennsylvania Volunteers was held at Williamsport on Tuesday, with over 120 members present. The next reunion is to be held at Milton on December 13, 1887. A parade was made through the streets followed by a banquet. The history of the regiment was read by LT. C. F. A. Chapman of Wilkes Barre.June 8, 1887 (Wednesday) Vandine Martz borrows $200 from Val. Mackert, Chas. B. Lyon, and W.H. Heim, Trustees of Sunbury Steam Fire Company No. 1, payable one year after with interest.September 2, 1887 (Friday) The Citizen's Band of Sunbury will accompany Lt. Wm. A. Bruner Post to Shenandoah on Grand Army Day.December 13, 1887 (Tuesday) The 131st P. V. - The Survivors of the 131st Pennsylvania Volunteers held a reunion at Milton on Tuesday. There was a good attendance, Azirah Campbell of Shamokin was elected president for the ensuing year and Solomon Hoover of the same place vice president. The next reunion will be held in Shamokin on December 14, 1888. Believed
to be Catharine (Bubb) Martz and Charles and Clara
Martz, ca. 1887-8
During 1888 Catherine E. Martz, daughter of Vandine Martz, marries John L. Arter, born 11/27/1860 in Danville, Pa., son of John Arterand . . . Vandine Martz, laborer, has 1 lot valued at $200, an income/value of $25, for an aggregate value of $225, and is taxed: personal tax $1.35May 5, 1888 (Saturday) The Sunbury Band made their first appearance in their new uniforms on Saturday Evening, twenty strong. They present a gay sight, and their little drum major, Willy Mann, wields the baton like a veteran.October 30, 1888 (Tuesday) Vandine Martz pays interest on $200 judgement in favor of Joseph Weitzel.November 19, 1888 (Monday) Vandine Martz borrows $64.99 from Rockefeller and Hile payable six months after date with interest.November 28, 1888 (Wednesday) Vandine Martz sells a two-story frame building in Upper Augusta Township to A.N. Brice for $2000. Property "beginning at a corner of a lot of Marks Kauffman, then along lands of same and John B. Lenker 208 feet to a post thence by lands of the said John B. Lenker 51 feet to the railroad, commonly called the "Horn", a branch of the Shamokin Valley Railroad, thence along said railroad its several courses a distance 209 feet to the Center Turnpike or Market Street extended thence along said Market Street extended 40 feet to place of beginning, containing 36 perches and 65 feet of ground, whereon is erected a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings and also an additional frame dwelling house."December 11, 1888 (Tuesday) Vandine Martz borrows $635 from Ira T. Clement payable one day after date with interest.December 13, 1888 (Thursday) The 131st Regiment Holds A Reunion - The survivors of the 131st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers held their reunion at Shamokin on Thursday of last week, it being the 25th anniversary of the battle of Fredricksburg. About 200 members were present. The 131st Regiment was recruited along the West Branch, between Williamsport and Shamokin, excepting two companies from Juniata. Company C was formed of men from Sunbury, Shamokin, and the inter-lying territory, Northumberland County furnishing three companies. Selins Grove was selected as the next meeting place.During 1889 Vandine Martz, laborer, owns and occupies 1 lot on Market Street valued at $250, occupied has an actual value/income of $25, for an aggregate value of $275, and is taxed: real/personal property tax $1.65. The following single men are listed as residing with Vandine Martz:April 5, 1889 (Friday) The Vandine Martz remedy for piles advertised in The News this week is said by many to far exceed any remedy ever before offered. Call at his shoe shop next to the "horn" on East Market street, north side.April 25, 1889 (Thursday) Fieri Facias issued on a debt of $64.99 owed by Vandine Martz to Rockafeller and Hile, plus $8.08 in interest and costs from 10/19/1888.and . . . NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - The public is notified that all the personal property of Vandine Martz, in the shoe shop and also in the residence occupied by him, in Purdytown, was purchased by me at a public sale of the Sheriff, on Thursday, May 2, 1889, at 9 o'clock a.m. ----- Notice is also given that the real estate, late in the name of said Vandine Martz, is offered for sale by Edward L. Brice, the legal owner, subject to a $1,000 mortgage of Hon. John B. Packer, and interest due thereon.May 10, 1889 (Friday) THE HURRICANE. - A terrific wind and rain storm swept over Sunbury and vicinity about 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon, doing a large amount of damage. The atmosphere had been oppressive all day, but a the hour mentioned the sky grew suddenly black, the wind blew a gale, great lowering clouds scudded across the sky, and clouds of dust went whirling along, darkening the streets and rendering it impossible to distinguish anything. The wind fairly groaned as it tore through the streets, tearing signs, shutters and trap-doors from their fastenings and sending them flying through the streets. It tore large limbs from stalwart trees, and in some instances breaking trees off close to the ground. A fine young chestnut tree standing in front of the residence of Hon. J.B. Packer was broken off close to the ground. The flag pole in the park was blown down, carrying with it a limb of one of the large trees. The tin roof on Chief Burgess Cadwallader's building on the north side of Market street was rolled up like a scroll. The fire wall of the Clement House along the south end was torn loose to the tops of the third-story windows, and the debris deposited in the alley beneath. Dr. A.C. Clark had a narrow escape there, as he had just driven past when the mass of brick were tossed to the ground. Fences and outbuildings were blown down all over town. The fierce wind was followed for an hour with a heavy rain accompanied with hail. Other and more exposed parts of the county suffered much more than Sunbury, as we enjoyed the protection afforded by the surrounding hills. The storms in this section are becoming very severe and they come in at the one vulnerable point, the northwest.May 26, 1889 (Sunday) Our Grand Army boys of Lieut. Bruner Post attended religious services on Sunday at the baptist chapel, and heard an eloquent sermon by the baptist divine, Rev. Shirmer. He pleased all and made a fine impression.May 31, 1889 (Friday) A VALLEY OF DEATH! - Johnstown Literally Annihilated by the Breaking of the Reservoir - Ten Thousand Lives Lost! - $100,000,000 of Property Gone! - A dispatch was sent over the wire on Friday night that hundreds of lives had been lost at Johnstown and vicinity by the bursting of the reservoir above the city. It was appalling enough but it has turned out to be ten times worse than can be conceived as more details of the terrible disaster are becoming known. . . .June 29, 1889 (Saturday) Judgement of $200 against Vandine Martz in favor of Joseph Weitzel is satisfied in full by payment of $129.70 by George B. Reimensnyder, attorney for Joseph and Peter Zeifling, in a compromise agreed to by plaintiff.and . . . Judgement of $635 against Vandine Martz in favor of Ira T. Clement satisfied in full.and . . . Judgement of $200 against Vandine Martz in favor of Sunbury Steam Fire Company No. 1 satisfied in full.August 2, 1889 (Friday) Vandine Martz Pile ointment advertisement appears again. (See 4/5/1889)September 20, 1889 (Friday) BRIEF LOCAL ITEMS - Ask your grocer for the Martz' Stove Polish. It costs less and keeps its deep black gloss longer than any other. Manufactured by V. Martz, Sunbury, Pa.and . . . Vandine Martz, who is manufacturing a splendid article of stove blackening should be encouraged, since he is not only an old soldier in Co. C 131st P.V., but he is poor and deserving.September 27, 1889 (Friday) COWS ON THE STREETS IN SUNBURY - From Williamsport Gazette and Bulletin - Cows still run at large in the streets at Sunbury and pasture on the principal thoroughfares, notwithstanding the local papers always speak of the ancient town as a "city". With more trains arriving and departing from the station daily than any other place in the West Branch Valley, we submit that there should be reform at least on the cow question. Are the burgess and councilmen on the verge of somnolency all the time? What would that great and good Indian vice king, Shikilimy think of them if he were to visit the town again? When he lived and reigned there more than a hundred years ago he did not allow the local laws to be so outrageously violated and today it is noticed by some keen observers that when there are an unusual number of cows on the streets, the profile of the old king on the rocks of Blue Hill frown steeply at the innovation. The time for the inauguration of reform has arrived if the town is to bloom into a full-fledged city and have an electric street railway binding it with the Pompeii on the other side of the island sometimes called Northumberland.and . . . Did you ever think that the figure 9 which is now with us in all our dates has come to stay? No man, woman, or child now living will ever date a document without using a 9. It now stands on the extreme right, 1889. Next year it will be third place - 1890 - and there it will stay for the next 10 years. It will then move up to second place - 1900 - and rest there for a hundred and nine years.October 11, 1889 (Friday) GRAND ARMY DAY! - THREE THOUSAND VETERANS IN LINE OF MARCH! - STREETS LINED WITH THOUSANDS OF SIGHT SEERS AND THE CURIOUS -The most imposing pageant witnessed in Sunbury since the centennial in 1872 was that on Wednesday, the occasion of the veterans of the late war congregating here for fraternal greeting. It was one of the events in the history of our town, and it will live long in the memories of our visitors and in the hearts of the reunited veterans. No great preparations had been made by the people in the way of decorations until Thursday morning when everywhere the eye would turn it would be met by a blazing mass of bunting, evergreen and flags. . . . Every Post was preceded by a band or drum corps, and the strains of martial music filled the air and added to the enthusiasm. By eleven o'clock, 4,000 veterans were in town, and they were accompanied by 10,000 visitors who came to witness the parade. . . . Parade formed a 1 o'clock and moved promptly at 2 o'clock . . .November 19, 1889 (Tuesday) The Friendship Cornet Band of this city will hold a dance in old armory hall on Tuesday, November 19. Music will be furnished by Henry's OrchestraDecember 13, 1889 (Friday) The 131st Regiment P. V. will hold their annual reunion at Selins Grove on the 13th of December, the 27th anniversary of the battle of Fredericksburg.During 1890 January 24, 1890 (Friday) The alarm clock of the future will have an Edison phonograph arrangement that will exclaim "Get up!" in stentorian tone.March 3, 1890 (Monday) Squire Bubb of Dalmatia called at this sanctum on Monday and helped himself to a chair. He passed a pleasant half hour with us. He is a short, wiry looking man with grey beard and possesses enough spunk and energy to make a good living among the people with whom he resides.April 8, 1890 (Tuesday) Personally appeared before me Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the said County (Northumberland), Vandine Martz an honorably discharged and disabled soldier of the war of the rebellion who being duly sworn according to law deposes and says that he is the bona fide owner in his own right of all the goods, wares and merchandise which he proposes to hawk, peddle and vend and that he will not engage to sell the same for any other person or persons whatever, and this for the purpose of obtaining the benefits of the Act of Assembly approved the 8th day of April 1867, allowing certain soldiers to hawk, peddle and vend. Sworn before me April 8th A.D. 1890. S. P. Fausold, Deputy Prothonotary.April 11, 1890 (Friday) The G.A.R. room over J.B. Bucher's store on Market Street is very handsomely fitted up. Brussels carpet covers the floor and the fittings are those of a first-class lodge room.May 14, 1890 (Wednesday) New York, May 14 - Mrs. Andrew Carnegie yesterday performed the ceremony of laying the corner stone of the new music hall which is to be built at Seventh Avenue and Fifty Seventh Street. The structure will cost $1,500,000 of which $500,000 is given by Mr. Carnegie. Several speeches were made.May 23, 1890 (Friday) East Sunbury - The Court to be Asked to Make a Borough of Purdytown - The people of Purdytown want to set up business for themselves. They want to make a borough of their own town and are moving in that direction. On Saturday, Ira Shipman ran the line for the new town. It commences above the brewery and taking in Pomfret manor runs over to Shamokin Creek. The line then follows the creek to the river. The place is to be called East Sunbury.June, 1890 Vandine Martz is enumerated in the Eleventh Census of the United States on Special Schedule for Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and Widows, Etc. in Upper Augusta Township.June 15, 1890 (Sunday) Charles Bubb, musician, who is at present in Sunbury, paid us a visit on Sunday. -Our Letter from Dalmatia, Dalmatia, 6/17/1890July 7, 1890 (Monday) Henry Glitch applies for military pension alleging partial permanent disability from bronchitis, catarrh and rheumatism. He is 42 years old, 5'10" tall (4" taller than in 1864), has fair complexion, iron grey hair and grey eyes. He is a teacher lawyer in Eureka Springs, Carroll County, Arkansas but he is filing in person in Seward County, Kansas.July 11, 1890 (Friday) The population of Sunbury, according to the census will be 6500 and of Purdytown about 2500. In 1880 Sunbury was 4077 and Purdytown 775. The official is not yet out but these will be about the figures.and . . . How many are we? An official estimate of the county's population. Sunbury: First Ward, 955; Second, 1370; Third, 1515; Fourth, 975; Fifth, 1105; Total, 5920.July 14, 1890 (Monday) Henry Glitch is approved for military pension of $12 per month, alleging "permanent disability, not due to vicious habits, from bronchitis, catarrh, and rheumatism", at Wichita, Kansas.July 17, 1890 (Thursday) A female slugging match took place in Purdytown Thursday evening on Catawissa Street at which the hair flew in bunches. The women occupied the middle of the road until one was completely knocked out, when the battle ended. Many saw the combat but none could be found who knew the contestants. It is described as having been a close battle for a long time until one of the pugilists lost too much hair which ended the struggle.July 28, 1890 (Monday) Isaac Bubb died at his residence in Georgetown on Monday, aged 62 years. The cause of his death was dropsy of the heart from which he has been a long sufferer. He was the father of Mrs. Vandyne Martz, who lives in Sunbury.and . . . Isaac Bubb, an old and respected citizen of Dalmatia, departed this life on the 28th, inst.July 30, 1890 (Wednesday) Vandine Martz, wife, and two of his children went to Georgetown Wednesday to attend the funeral of his wife's father, Isaac Bubb.September 7, 1890 (Sunday) That suburb of our city known since 1867 as Purdytown is now a full-fledged borough, the court on Saturday having so decreed in response to a petition presented by T.H. Purdy and C.W. Rockafeller. The place will hereafter be known as "East Sunbury" on paper but the popular name of Purdytown will always have the call, as the people are used to it and an arbitrary and sudden change will have very little effect on the tongues of the people. The next thing is an election of borough officers, the time for which has not been fixed.November 21, 1890 (Friday) Thrashed A Policeman - Four Sunbury girls went Milton on Saturday evening, got drunk and thrashed depot policeman Rhodes of that town. If we haven't good streets down here Miltonians are probably convinced we have a few petticoated sluggers.December 10, 1890 (Wednesday) Vandine Martz submits a form to Department of Interior, Bureau of Pensions requesting an "official statement of enrollment, discharge and record of service ... together with full medical history". "It is alleged that while on duty at Camp Humphreys Va on or about Feby March, 1863 he was disabled by rheumatism injury to right side and results." No medical record was found.December 12, 1890 (Friday) The Watsontown Band and the survivors of the 131st. P.V. in this section are preparing for the reunion of the regiment at Muncy tomorrow and a big turnout is anticipated.December 18, 1890 (Thursday) John R. Berlew has received a contract for plastering the new hotel on Blue Hill. He will also plaster the house being erected in Northumberland by Mrs. Rogers.February 20, 1891 (Friday) On Friday, February 20, 1891, The Sunbury Cornet Band will give a fine concert in the Opera House. The concert will consist of selections by the band, vocal solos, quartets, &c. Also a cornet solo by Miss Grace King of Sunbury accompanied by the band. Also an imitation of a German band by Messrs. Jones, [Charles] Bubb, Slear, Gaskins, Schoch, and Garvic...February 21, 1891 (Saturday) Vandine Martz submits to the Bureau of Pensions a General Affidavit of Andrew N. Brice, age 51, and Samuel J. Hoey, age 51 sworn before J.C. Irwin, Justice of the Peace:February 22, 1891 (Sunday) Lieut. Wm. A. Bruner Post 335 G.A.R.; W.C. Packer Council 285 O.U.A.M.; and Camps No. 194 and 19 P.O.S.of A. attended the Lutheran Church in a body on Sunday morning and were addressed by Rev. J.H. Weber on Patriots and Patriotism which pleased them very much and they returned thanks for the address through the Daily.April 10, 1891 (Friday) Twenty-Five Years old - On Monday evening Lieut. Wm. A. Bruner Post, No. 335, celebrated the quarto-centennial anniversary of the organization of the G. A. R. Capt. C. N. Clement, was the orator of the evening and delivered an eloquent address.During 1892 Vandine Martz, laborer, is a tenant residing on Mettler's property, Catawissa St., East Sunbury, has a yearly income of $25, for an aggregate value of $25, 1 male dog, and is taxed $.15April 28, 1892 (Thursday) The Best in the Market - The shoe polish, which is now being manufactured by V. Martz & Co., is the best that is now on the market. It is now being made in Sunbury and has through its own merit established a wide reputation. People who have used is say it will not eat the leather and maintains an even, smooth and beautiful polish.May 12, 1892 (Thursday) A new brand of cigarettes is called "The Angel of Death".August 18, 1892 (Thursday) The Sunbury Cornet Band has sold the old uniforms to the Chestnut Hill Band near Shamokin Dam. No more will the Sunburians see the Prussian helmets, British red coats, and American Blue Trousers, unless they go over the river.September 20, 1892 (Tuesday) 19th reunion of 131st P.V. is held at Washington D.C.During 1893 Vandine Martz, laborer, is a tenant residing on Mettler's property, Catawissa St., East Sunbury, has a yearly income of $25, for an aggregate value of $25, 1 male dog, and is taxed $.15January 1, 1893 (Sunday) Jesse Campbell agrees to convey to Catharine Martz, wife of Vandine Martz, on or before 1/1/1893, a lot 30 by 200 feet on Catawissa Road in East Sunbury for $1.00 and the further promise that she will "keep, maintain and support the said Jesse Campbell during sickness and health, during life, in her own family in a comfortable manner, supplying him with suitable bed and bedding, meals, nursing and medical attendance during sickness; and upon his death bury him in a manner suitable to his station in life at the Methodist Church Cemetery at Irish Valley where the rest of his family are buried and, at her own proper costs and expense erect a proper tombstone in said cemetery to mark his grave". Catharine will also inherit his personal property. The deed to be left in the hands of C. B. Witmer, attorney for Catharine Martz and not considered delivered to her until one week before the death of Jesse Campbell. This property was conveyed to Jesse Campbell by Ira T. Clement on 9/20/1886.During 1893 Jesse Campbell, laborer, is a single man residing with R.W. Wynn, Catawissa Street, has a value/income of $25, for an ggregate value of $25, and is taxed $.15December 13, 1893 (Wednesday) 131st P.V.I. 20th reunion of 131st P.V. at LewistownDecember 16, 1893 (Saturday) Before me, the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace, in and for the county aforesaid, personally appeared the said Jesse Campbell and Catharine Martz, wife of Vandine Martz, who do acknowledge the written Article of Agreement to be their act and deed and desire that the same might be recorded as such; and the said Catharine Martz, being of full age and separate and apart from her said husband, by me examined an the full contents of the said Articles being by me first made known to her, declare upon such examination, that she did voluntarily and of her own free will and accord sign, seal and as her act and deed, deliver the said articles without and coercion or compulsion of her said husband. Witness my hand and seal this 16th day of December 1893. Em'l Wilvert, Justice of the Peace.and . . . On the 16th day of December in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety three before me the subscriber personally came the above named Jesse Campbell and doth acknowledged the above indenture to be his act and Deed and desired the same might be recorded as such. Witness my hand seal Em'l Wilvert Justice of the Peace.During 1894 Vandine Martz, laborer, is a tenant residing on Mettler's property, Catawissa St., East Sunbury, has a yearly income of $25, for an aggregate value of $25, 1 male dog, and is taxed $.15March 6, 1894 (Tuesday) A bell has been put in the East Sunbury school house on lower Catawissa Street. It was rung for the first time on Tuesday afternoon.May 6, 1894 (Sunday) Two Sunday Storms - Just as people were returning from church on Sunday morning, a heavy thunderstorm came up and many of the church goers were drenched. Ladies in new spring dresses and bonnets and there was considerable weeping and wailing over damage done to the dainty head gear. Many persons had taken advantage of the beautiful morning to enjoy a stroll into the country and were also caught by the storm. Considerable hail fell and the Market Street paving was well washed. Another storm in the afternoon played the same tricks on unsuspecting Sunburians as the morning storm.May 10, 1894 (Thursday) Catharine Martz appears before Walter Shipman, Justice of the Peace, and makes a complaint against Reuben Wynn that he refuses to comply with notice to vacate 222 Catawissa Avenue (See 12/28/1893). Summons issued to Reuben Wynn to appear 5/15/1894 to show why restitution of the property should not be made to Catharine Martz.May 13, 1894 (Sunday) Catharine Martz is admitted by organization of the church to St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church. She will have nearly perfect attendance from 3/3/1895 through 10/15/1905 at all Communion Seasons (except 4/10/1898).May 15, 1894 (Tuesday) 9:00 AM: Catharine Martz, plaintiff and Reuben Wynn, defendant appear before Walter Shipman, J.P. Catharine is represented by Wm. A. Sober and J. Simpson Kline; Wynn is represented by S.B. Boyer and J.H. McDevitt. Defense moves to quash proceedings on procedural grounds and that no written lease has been produced. Witnesses for Catharine ( Jesse Campbell, Richard Poyer, Mark P. Sculpham and Jeremiah Weaver) testify. Reuben Wynn files an affidavit that he has possession of the premises through his wife, Marietta, who acquired title from Jesse Campbell, but admits the deed to Catharine (12/16/1893) is duly recorded. Jesse Campbell's notice to quit (12/28/1893) is also offered in evidence.May 16, 1894 (Wednesday) Judgement in favor of Catharine Martz and against Reube Wynn. He will forthwith deliver the property and pay $10.35 for proceedings.May 21, 1894 (Monday) Reuben Wynn appeals decision in favor of Catharine Martz by Walter Shipman, J.P., to Court of Common Pleas. John L. Miller posts $200 bail for costs and rents in case the judgment is upheld.June 11, 1894 (Monday) Rule from Reuben Wynn's attorneys for Catharine Martz to employ counsel and file a statement in Ejectment in 15 days.June 22, 1894 (Friday) Judgment in favor of Charles Mettler on a single bill for $40 against Vandine and Catharine Martz and payable 6 months from date with interest and costs of suit.June 26, 1894 (Tuesday) Catharine Martz elects to go to trial on the transcript of the justice, Walter Shipman. Also rule on defendant to plead within 15 days is issued.July 16, 1894 (Monday) July 19, 1894 (Thursday) Funeral services of Mr. Jesse Campbell aged 87 years, 9 months and 12 days, was held at the residence of Mr. Vandine Martz with whom he had made his home, on Thursday July 19. The interment was in the Methodist Cemetery of Irish Valley where many friends and relatives had gathered to pay their last tribute to the deceased.September 24, 1894 (Monday) The appeal of Reuben Wynn is continued due to illness of Catharine Martz's attorney Mr. Sober.December 3, 1894 (Monday) The appeal of Reuben Wynn is continued due to illness of Catharine Martz's attorney Mr. Sober, at costs of plaintiff (Catharine).December 13, 1894 (Thursday) 21st reunion of 131st P.V. at WilliamsportDuring 1895 Vandine Martz in East Sunbury, 2nd Ward, Cat. St., occupies Real Estate owned by Catharine Martz containing 1 lot, 30 ft., value at $300, is taxed: county tax $2.40.January 31, 1895 (Thursday) Appeal of Reuben Wynn continued at costs of plaintiff, Catharine MartzMarch 18, 1895 (Monday) Vandine Martz appears before J. Simpson Kline, Justice of the Peace, to make the following affidavit:April 8, 1895 (Monday) Appeal of Reuben Wynn against Catharine Martz is continued.May 5, 1895 (Sunday) Charles M. Martz is admitted by confirmation as a member of St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church.May 13, 1895 (Monday) Catharine Martz's counsel moves to strike defendant's plea "avers that the title in is in Marietta Wynn and pleads not guilty in right of his wife" since she is not a party to the proceedings as a defendant. Reuben Wynn withdraws former plea and enters plea of "not guilty".May 17, 1895 (Friday) Catharine Martz is summoned to appear in the Court of Common Pleas on "the second Monday of June next" (6/10/1895) to answer a certain complaint made by Reuben W. Wynn and Marietta Wynn, his wife, that she (Catharine) now has in her actual possession a lot of ground in East Sunbury, the right of possession or title to which she (Marietta) says is hers and not Catharine's.May 27, 1895 (Monday) Plea of "not guilty" entered by J. Simpson Kline and William A. Sober, attorneys for Catharine Martz, to complaint of Reuben and Marietta Wynn.September 30, 1895 (Monday) Appeal of Reuben Wynn against Catharine Martz is continued to 10/28/1895.October 28, 1895 (Monday) Catharine Martz's motion to quash is refused. The case is coming on for trial and a jury has been called.December 13, 1895 (Friday) 22nd reunion of 131st P.V. at MiltonJanuary 10, 1896 (Friday) Catharine Martz vs. Reuben W. Wynn: Notes of testimony and charge of Court filed.April 3, 1896 (Friday) The following are admitted as members to St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church:April 13, 1896 (Monday) Rule granted on the part of defendant, Catharine Martz, in ejectment proceeding (No. 93, September Term, 1895) to show why co-plaintiff, Reuben Wynn, should not first pay costs of case entered No. 161 September Term 1894.June 9, 1896 (Tuesday) Vandine Martz satisfies judgement of $40 in favor of Charles Mettler, the sheriff having returned the Execution as paid.August 17, 1896 (Monday) Reuben Wynn vs. Horace Tweed, administrator of the estate of Jesse Campbell, deceased. Trans debt - $258.75. Issue Scire Facias. To show cause why Mrs. Selina Montgomery, Mrs. Elizabeth Fuller, Mrs. Sybilla Huey, and Mrs. Marietta Wynn should not be substituted as defendants and the judgement (No. 430, September Term, 1896) revived against them as heirs at law of Jesse Campbell, and with notice to Catharine Martz, Terre Tenant. Returnable to next term, Filed by Byers and McDevitt, attorneys for plaintiff (Reuben Wynn).December 15, 1896 (Tuesday) 23th reunion of 131st P.V. at SelinsgroveJanuary 16, 1897 (Saturday) Reuben Henry Martz joins with St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church, by election.April 16, 1897 (Friday) Vandine Martz joins with St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church, by confirmation and is baptized.October 1, 1897 (Friday) Catharine Martz files a petition to Hon. C.R. Savidge, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County. The petition represents 1) That she is the alienee of a certain lot of ground conveyed to her by Jesse Campbell by deed dated 12/16/1893 and duly recorded in the Recorder's office. 2) That C.R.Savidge entered a transcript from the Docket of Solomon Weaver J.P. to No. 302 September term 1894, which judgement was revived to No. 321 September term 1894 with notice to Horace Tweed administrator of Jesse Campbell, deceased, for the sum of $127.50 and which is now sought to be revived by Scire Facias now pending to No. 78 September Term 1896 and now on the list for trial against Horace Tweed, with notice to heirs of Jesse Campbell and also Catharine as terre-tenant. Catharine claims there is no lien on the property.December 14, 1897 (Tuesday) 24th reunion of 131st P.V. at ShamokinDecember 23, 1897 (Thursday) Reuben Wynn appeals decision in favor of Catharine Martz to the Supreme Court, Eastern District of PennsylvaniaDuring 1898 Williams' Sunbury Directory:January 18, 1898 (Tuesday) Reuben Wynn, plaintiff, suffers a voluntary non-suit against Catharine Martz, terre tenant, and judgement of non-suit in favor of Catharine Martz. Damages assessed against defendants Montgomery, Fuller, Huey, Wynn and Tweed;March 31, 1898 (Thursday) Prothonotary of Northumberland County files transcript of Record in the Case of appeal of Reuben Wynn, defendant and Catharine Martz, plaintiff at No. 161 September Term 1894.January 18, 1898 (Tuesday) Reuben Wynn, plaintiff, suffers a voluntary non-suit against Catharine Martz, terre tenant, and judgement of non-suit in favor of Catharine Martz. Damages assessed against defendants Montgomery, Fuller, Huey, Wynn and Tweed;March 31, 1898 (Thursday) Prothonotary of Northumberland County files transcript of Record in the Case of appeal of Reuben Wynn, defendant and Catharine Martz, plaintiff at No. 161 September Term 1894.May 4, 1898 (Wednesday) Vandine Martz returns questionnaire with his voucher for next quarterly pension payment. Questionnaire asks marital status, current spouse, previous marriages, and living children.May 18, 1898 (Wednesday) Vandine Martz returns another pension questionnaire asking the same questions as the 5/4/1898 questionnaire.October 1, 1898 (Saturday) John M. Martz, son of Vandine Martz, dies, aged 29 years, 1 month 7 daysDecember 13, 1898 (Tuesday) 25th reunion of 131st P.V. at LewisburgJanuary 22, 1899 (Sunday) Vandine Martz misses Communion.July 16, 1899 (Sunday) Charles M. Martz leaves the congregation of St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church, after 4 years of perfect attendance at Communion Seasons.September 19, 1899 (Tuesday) 26th reunion of 131st P.V. at MiddleburgOctober 21, 1899 (Saturday) Reuben Henry Martz, son of Vandine Martz, marries Harriet Wagner.During 1900 Martz, Vandine, shoemaker and pile ointment mfr 222 Catawissa av, h doJune 1, 1900 (Friday) Josiah Martz, 47 (born March 1853), married 24 years, day laborerJune 4, 1900 (Monday) John L. Arter, 39 (born Nov. 1860), married 12 years, conductor RRJune 11, 1900 (Monday) Agnes Zinn household, 432 Penn Street, Sunbury:and . . . John Poff household, 149 Awl Street, SunburyJune 18, 1900 (Monday) Vandine Martz household, 222 Catawissa Ave, Sunbury:September 18, 1900 (Tuesday) 27th reunion of 131st P.V. at WatsontownSeptember 17, 1901 (Tuesday) 28th reunion of 131st P.V. at MuncyDecember 2, 1901 (Monday) Henry Bucher, stepfather of Anna Mary Bucher, dies, aged 47 years, 11 months, 28 daysSeptember 17, 1902 (Wednesday) 29th reunion of 131st P.V. at MiltonFebruary 7, 1903 (Saturday) Sarah Allis Martz, daughter of Vandine Martz, dies.June 17, 1903 (Wednesday) Charles M. Martz marries Anna Mary Bucher.February 17, 1904 (Wednesday Clara G. Martz marries Charles H. Miller of Shamokin.November 27, 1904 (Sunday) Vandine Martz is elected to the board of trustees of St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church to fill a vacancy left by one of 4 resigning trustees until May 1906. Probably about the same time Vandine was a signer to the Tenth Article of the Constitution of this church which re-affirmed that "the word of God is the only and sole authority in this congregation".August 15, 1906 (Wednesday) Vandine Martz certifies that the sketch of his war service as written above (see 8/8/1863) is true as he verily believed.March 10, 1907 (Sunday) Vandine Martz gives a little book of daily verses, Forget Me Not, by Rev. Hugo W. HoffmanNovember 11, 1908 (Wednesday) 131st P.V.I. 35th Reunion at Fredericksburg, Virginia and dedication of the monument erected by the State of Pennsylvania to commemorate the charge of General Humphreys' Division on Marye's Heights, December 13, 1862.During 1909 Martz Charles M., laborer, h 318 Fairmont av (Anna M)April 15, 1910 (Friday) Vandine Martz household, 222 Catawissa Ave., Sunbury:January 16, 1911 (Monday) Lottie P. Martz, daughter of Frank and Minnie Martz, marries William E. Shaffer. ![]() Although it doesn't look like a January day in Sunbury, the above photo might be a reception for newlyweds William and Lottie Shaffer, presumed to be seated at left front. Her father, Frank Christian Martz (1871 - 1971), son of Catherine Bubb and stepson of Vandine Martz, is believed standing second from the left, next to presumably his half brother Ervin Jerome Martz (1874 -1943). The two women standing to the right of them might then be their wives, Minnie Maud (Hoover, 1872 - 1944)) and Minnie (Lenig, 1874 - 1944). Easily recognized are Vandine Martz, standing at the center post, and Catherine (Bubb) Martz, seated at far right. Standing to the right of Vandine are his daughter, Clara Gertrude (1884 - 1954) and her husband, Charles H. Miller (1884 - 1930). It is believed that their daughter Carrie May Miller (Troup, 1899 -1979) is standing in front of the center post, next to possibly Esther Mildred Martz (1901-1980), daughter of Ervin J. and Minnie Maud (Hoover) Martz. Standing in front of Vandine is his daughter, Catherine E. Martz (Arter, 1867 -1939). The remaining persons have not been identified. The signs above the door and window say "123 Robert's" but that name has not been associated with any establishment in or near Sunbury. August 7, 1911 (Monday) St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church is incorporated.During 1912 Martz Bandine [sic, he probably has a cold], cobbler. h 222 Catawissa av (Catharine)May 20, 1912 (Monday) Vandine Martz files a notarized Declaration for Pension according to the Act of May 11, 1912, stating his term of service, etc and personal description at the time of enlistment: Height 5 feet 6 inches; complexion, dark; color of eyes, dark; color of hair, dark.October 12, 1913 (Sunday) Reuben H. Martz, son of Vandine Martz, dies at Mary Packer Hospital. ![]()
![]() During 1915 Listed under shoemakers:April 2, 1915 (Friday) Vandine Martz fills out questionnaire for Department of Interior, Bureau of Pensions, listing family history, birth, marriages, children.July 1, 1915 (Thursday) Catharine Martz makes her will leaving household goods, personal effects, house and property to her husband Vandyne [sic] Martz, naming Charles M. Martz (son) executor, and her children Frank C. Martz, Irvin G. Martz, Charles M. Martz and Clara G. Miller equal beneficiaries after the death of her husband. Property bounded by Charles H. Brocious (northeast), Samuel Long (southwest), Catawissa Ave (front), alley (back). Will witnessed by J. Simpson Kline, D. Goldstein, and Mabel S. Shirk.During 1917 Listed under shoe repairers:November 4, 1917 (Sunday) Vandine Martz receives his last pension payment $19.December 10, 1917 (Monday) Vandine Martz is taken ill with pneumonia, attended by physician.December 14, 1917 (Friday) Vandine Martz dies, at 6 A.M. of pneumonia. ![]() Vandine Martz is buried at Pomfret Manor Cemetery.January 2, 1918 (Wednesday) Vandine Martz is dropped from U.S. pension roll.January 5, 1918 (Saturday) Catharine Martz submits Declaration for Widow's Pension stating that she is the widow of Vandine Martz. This Declaration is witnessed by Charles M. Martz (son) and J. Simpson Kline, attorney and notary public.March 30, 1918 (Saturday) Catharine Martz submits affidavits to U.S. Pension office from Louisa Lentz, Annie Spotts (her sisters), and Sarah Poff (sister-in-law of Amando Poff and who knew all three wives) attesting that Catharine was the wife of Vandine Martz.During 1923 Martz Cath wid VanDine h 222 Catawissa avDuring 1927 Catharine Martz donates a stained glass window to St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church in memory of Vandine Martz.November 26, 1930 (Wednesday) Catharine Martz makes a codicil to her will (7/1/1915) leaving her automobile and bedroom furniture (bed, dresser, wash stand, chairs, rug, etc) to her daughter Clara G. Miller. Witnessed by Samuel E. Long (next door) and Wilson M. Messimer (across the street), neighbors.December 18, 1930 (Thursday) December 23, 1930 (Tuesday) The will of Catharine Martz dated July 1, 1915 is presented for probate by Charles M. Martz, executor, and Mabel S. Shirk and J. Simpson Kline, witnesses; Codicil (11/26/1930) presented for probate by Charles M. Martz, executor, and Samuel E. Long and Wilson M. Messimer, witnesses. The value of her personal property is $475, and real estate (222 Catawissa Ave) is $3000. |
Special thanks to the late Jack Hetrick, secretary of the Northumberland County Historical Society, for bringing the photo of the Sunbury Number One Steam Fire Company Band to my attention, as well as his general assistance with this research. Thanks, too, to the late Charlotte Darrah Walter for her assistance in the NCHS library. Also very special thanks to Joan Berkey for providing the photo of Jesse Campbell.