The horn described below
is NOT part of the personal collection of
Dick Martz but the description and images are shown
with the kind permission of the owner, Michael David
Cox. |
Label :
Ed. Kruspe Erfurt D.R.G.M. 1027194 |
Full Double |
Serial Number:
None |
Date of Manufacture:
ca. 1933 |
F, B♭, E, and A |
4 rotary |
Bell Flare:
Bell Throat:
Bell Diameter:
Base Metal:
Brass |
unlacquered |
. (click on photos for larger view) |
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![]() Image from the 1929
Kruspe catalog, courtesy of Dirk Arzig,
Special thanks to Dirk Arzig, BrassTacks.De for permission to use his images from the 1929 Ed. Kruspe catalog.
1. D.R.G.M. stands for Deutsches Reichsgebrauchsmuster, a registration created in 1891 for the purpose of protecting for three years the design or function of an item throughout all of the German states. D.R.G.M. registered products were protected either for their way of intended use or design, but this did not include patent protection. Patent rights were secured by applying for a Deutsches Reichspatent (D.R.P.).
2. The title of D.R.G.M. 232038 (1904) is Doppelzylindermechanik für Metallblasinstrumente, mit neben und parallel zu den Zylinderdoppelventilen angeordneten, zu einem Zylinder in einem Gehäuse vereinigten Stellventilen. [ Double cylinder mechanism for brass instruments, alongside of and parallel to the double cylinder valves, in one cylinder housing as a combined control valve.] This is descriptive of the change valve, but does not describe the layout of the tubing or "wrap". Several Kruspe horn models were produced under D.R.G.M. 232038 including the familiar "Horner", an early version with slightly a different wrap, and the "Fritz" model that didn't have the secondary F tuning slide.
3. The New Langwill Index (1993, p.217) is in error, placing Walter and his sister, Ilse as children of Eduard Kruspe (1871 - 1919), son of Frederick Wilhelm Kruspe (1838 - 1911) and nephew of Eduard Kruspe (1831 - after 1909), founder of the brass workshop Ed. Kruspe. The younger Eduard Kruspe, who was the successor thier father'st firm of C. Kruspe, died on November 3, 1919. From the Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau article shown above it is clear that he was not the son of Eduard Kruspe (1871 - 1919), since his father had died before 1916, and was probably in fact Fritz Kruspe (ca. 1864-1909),
Langer, Arne, "Familien- und Firmenchronik", Musikinstrumente von Weltrang, Die Firma Kruspe in Erfurt, Stadtmuseum und Theater Erfurt, 2012
Waterhouse, William, The New Langwill Index of Wind Instrument Makers and Inventors, pub.Tony Bingham, London 1993
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